Example sentences of "one [Wh det] [is] " in BNC.

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1 For he had revealed one of the eternally popular effects of nature , one which is still quoted by simple people as a standard of visual beauty .
2 The other major role of the sculptor is in the service of religion , where a high degree of interplay between artist and patron is not necessarily so important , making the sculptor 's situation into one which is more like the painter 's .
3 Among the principal references to Israel in Levi 's writings is one which is , from a Zionist point of view , tin-eared .
4 For the popular protestant version , one which is still shared probably by a majority of clergymen within the protestant denominations of the North , the church re-emerges after centuries of misguidance only with the Reformation .
5 It is an often-repeated truism to say that the institution of the pub is unique to Britain — but it is still one which is well worth resurrecting .
6 A National Ballet is one which is based firstly on the traditional stories , dance , music and customs of a particular country and/or secondly on the atmosphere , texture and typical life of a country .
7 They regard the article as being primarily an attack on the Prime Minister , and one which is improper almost to the point of being constitutional .
8 Nigel Watson , chairman of the housing forum , said : ‘ The survey confirms our fears that there is a problem and it is one which is getting worse as more young people are being forced to leave the dale . ’
9 He made an error of judgement , albeit one which is understandable , when he pumped additional liquidity into the system following the stock market crash of October 1987 .
10 A bag which is too hot can be as uncomfortable as one which is too cold and while you can always add extra clothing when the temperature drops , it is n't necessarily convenient or desirable .
11 In fact I think it possible that in the context of hi-jacking we are developing the anti-tank weapon — one which is largely a moral weapon and lies mainly in the hands of political authority .
12 In The Masculine Dilemma ( 1980 ) , subtitled ‘ A Psychology of Masculinity ’ , Gregory Rochlin offers a different version of the homosexual male , but one which is once again in the service of defending an updated heterosexual masculinity , and its primacy within a sexual difference metaphysic .
13 It had no sharps or flats and was based on a six-line stave — instead of the five-line one which is usual for musical notation .
14 Compared to 1983 , let alone 1979 , Labour appears to be more aware of a changed electorate , one which is not largely poor , unemployed , in trade unions , working in heavy manufacturing , or living in council houses .
15 The first stage in the history of mankind is one which is itself subdivided into three substages .
16 Then a new kind of family will arise , one which is not based on the exploitation of one sex by another .
17 Remy , which lost out to Martini last year in a bid for Benedictine , is the world 's third largest cognac firm and the only one which is still family owned .
18 ‘ If a folder has a lot of stuff in it , it sounds bigger than one which is fairly small .
19 This is only one of the things that can happen to the electrons , but it is the one which is of interest in the production of TL .
20 In the leading case of Cunningham Lord Edmund-Davies ( dissenting ) gave the example of breaking someone 's arm : that is a really serious injury , but one which is unlikely to endanger the victim 's life .
21 Now they supply a boutique in Nigeria — one which is keen to buy black British style .
22 And he said , ‘ I have in my mind a million notes , and every one which is not perfect makes me mad . ’
23 Domination and usurpation of sovereignty are not democratic ; true democracy consists in the exercise of personal sovereignty directly , or through rigidly mandated delegates : in short , the only just government is one which is non-representative .
24 If we think about the basic body plan of a phylum , it can often be seen as a solution to an engineering design problem facing an ancestor , but one which is no longer relevant to most living descendants .
25 It is one which is central to the Conservative vision of the future of Britain .
26 This last point is one which is most commonly misplaced .
27 Parliaments must connect government with the governed , and a significant transfer of power away from national parliaments would represent a weakening of institutions with which people are familiar , and which they can understand , and a strengthening of one which is remote and weak .
28 A differential species is one which is strictly confined to a particular sub-community , and not found in others .
29 particularly one which is heavy such as a fire tender .
30 The governors are under a duty to ensure that , on receipt of a written request , they transfer the curricular record to the head of a new school or place of education or training to which the pupil has transferred or , from September 1990 , disclose the record to one which is considering the pupil for admission .
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