Example sentences of "one [that] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Everywhere , his testimony was a ‘ show ’ : one that played in dentists ' surgeries to relieve the pain of extraction , in bars to give a purpose to drinking , in aeroplanes criss-crossing the country , and in television stores to crowds of people pressing against the windows .
2 A whole new language , but one that translated meant enormous fun .
3 What they add is a new perspective , one that is broader , more experienced and , most important , one that extends further in time .
4 It took women 's liberation to formulate a different kind of positive intervention , one that seeks to protect the casualties and raise consciousness about the causes of violence .
5 Actually we were n't married at the time , so we had to get married straight away and find some money to buy a house and so on , and Daddy had to give up acting and find a real job , one that brought in a regular income .
6 ‘ The one that brought nomes here . ’
7 The problem was the other Voice in her head , the one that could silence all the rest , the one that brought its pictures with it , the one that poured memories into her mind until she thought she would burst .
8 It 's a similar deal to the one that brought another of Wigan 's old guard , Andy Gregory , to Headingley .
9 Others interested in this Ocean may have already found their choicest figures : the one that brought the Pacific 's surge so very much alive for me — when hitherto it had been no more than the muffled beatings of a warm , blue and very distant sea — related to an event seven miles above the surface of the earth , some time during a night in 1984 .
10 I did notice that we could see through the one that brought us here , ’ said Twoflower .
11 The primary consideration should be to select an analytical laboratory where there is a formal , statistically based AQC system ; one that operates routinely for exactly the type of analysis we require .
12 She may shock , or upset ; but to women she represents a power with which they want to be in touch , as their birthright , one that operates naturally in the medium of night , when all the duties of day are left behind .
13 Safety technology — both active and passive — is now a significant selling point , and one that promises only to increase in importance .
14 Well the other day they they were so easy the other day I thought to myself erm who was it , what was it , it oh who , who was the one that sang the green grass of .
15 Konorski 's ( 1967 ) well-developed and influential theory of conditioning deals with inhibitory learning by assuming that an inhibitory CS is one that activates a ‘ no-US ’ representation .
16 If you are not one that likes to participate in active sports , then school yourself to take the stairs instead of the lift , walk to the newspaper shop instead of driving … indeed , take a vigorous walk whenever you can .
17 A standard response , yet one that begs the question , just how do they manage to mine such a rich vein of talent ?
18 This process seems to have been handled badly , even if it is not one that lends itself to sensitive treatment .
19 ‘ He 's not the only one that uses the belt , Aggie .
20 When it comes to finding a new job , you 'll obviously start by trying to get one that uses your existing skills .
21 one that uses oxygen , that would affect it .
22 That requires an open , problem solving approach — and one that uses complaints to trigger reviews of standards .
23 That 's the one that uses it .
24 Obviously you need to appeal to the Regional Committee if as a branch you 're not happy , but this rule should n't need to be bent , we should have one that is ours to be used for branches , the General Secretary himself says that it 's happened on several occasions so let's be a real trade union , not one that borrows from Peter to pay Paul , let's have a proper rule for branches .
25 SIR ANTHONY Hidden QC has omitted one place to lay the blame for the Clapham disaster — the law lords who decided in the ‘ Fares Fair ’ case that an ‘ economic ’ transport system was one that made a profit or broke even on fares charged , rather than one that could expect support from ratepayers or taxpayers .
26 One that made perfect sense to Ron and made perfect sense to me .
27 M. Lheureux plies Emma with a foretaste of false comfort : he tells her consoling stories of lost dogs which have returned to their masters despite great distances ; why , there was even one that made it all the way back to Paris from Constantinople .
28 Yet — there was an enduring lone voice among the internal babble which held out strong and true for Dane , and somehow its message was the only one that made any sense .
29 As a consequence , the question of where to eat was one that made little impression on her .
30 He was watching her with that same intensity she 'd seen in his face before , the one that made his eyes seem like dark sapphires .
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