Example sentences of "because they have " in BNC.

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1 They have to keep a logbook but that 's only a check to make sure that nobody 's leaving a mess in the common areas and we only have it because we 've found that some residents can have problems because they 've become deskilled in certain things .
2 ‘ Often you do n't realise the sheer range of functions of a good company secretary or administrator until they leave , because they 've been so efficient , ’ said Mr Sheppard .
3 ‘ This is perfectly sensible to the Russians because they 've had a trade in travelling shows with dolphins for some time .
4 They 're against change altogether , because they 've got fingers in too many pies .
5 Well , I 'll tell you lads , because they 've got the power where they need it — at the top .
6 Some find it hard to make a decision because they 've got out of the habit or they no longer see the need .
7 Pat 's job had already brought her into contact with the problems people face when they retire and feel that just because they 've stopped working , they 've dropped out of society .
8 Those upland fields are the hardest land of all to till , not only because of the incline , but also because they 've recently been reclaimed from the forest and the soil is still heavy with roots and stones .
9 He found the service ‘ exceptionally good ’ , but added : ‘ You have to expect that when the cricket is on you do n't quite get the service you 'd normally expect because they 've all got a radio stuck in their pocket and the ear-piece stuck in their ear . ’
10 ‘ There are some great titles out there , ’ he said , exclusively to ZZAP ! , ‘ … and many will swap them because they 've completed them , so we 'll always have loads of great games . ’
11 This is usually because they 've never thought much about Christianity and the only opinions that they have got are ones that they 've picked up from their parent(s) or the TV .
12 He had an impulse to say , ‘ This is the music of 1988 ; these are our heroes ; that building on the headland is our architecture and I dare not stop my car to help children home because they 've been taught with good reason that a strange man might abduct and rape them . ’
13 I like EB-2s because they 've got a really full kind of sound .
14 It 's been a good four years for me to lay low , because they 've changed the stuff so many times and they now seem to be getting down to some conclusions about MIDI and stuff .
15 The two he uses on stage have held up well , though ; it 's remarkable because they 've never been rebuilt and they were made in 1959 .
16 Pedal steel players do much the same kind of thing , but they 're lucky because they 've got loads of strings to play around with ; when you 're a guitar player and you 're down to six , you have to break it down and come up with some simpler versions . ’
17 The reason Chandler can get away with this is because they 've chosen to use a slotted headstock with side-mounted Kluson machines , and that 's what gives the strings the necessary angle to stop them jumping out of the nut slots .
18 The two usual options are either a big block , like on the back of a Strat , which is really hard to deal with , or there 's nothing , because they 've sanded it all away .
19 And because they 've been given a tantalising series of glimpses of a fuller life , they 're aware and starving .
20 She judges everybody by their star sign , too , avoiding Scorpios because they 've got a sting in their tail , Geminis because they 've got split personalities and Taureans because they 're stubborn , irrespective of the staggering complexity of human nature .
21 She judges everybody by their star sign , too , avoiding Scorpios because they 've got a sting in their tail , Geminis because they 've got split personalities and Taureans because they 're stubborn , irrespective of the staggering complexity of human nature .
22 I 've gone out with people just because they 've got a high status in their job .
23 And those who go into the situation with their eyes wide open because they 've been trained how to handle emergencies with calm and confidence .
24 Hence my association with Flip , because they 've been doing second-hand clothes for 20 or 30 years .
25 C : I think that there 's some hope now with the Labour party because they 've — um — compromised themselves politically so far that they would n't …
26 THE CURE have pulled out of the MTV Awards — because they 've got flu .
27 ‘ They are going out and pinching cars because they 've got no money and nothing else to do .
28 I 'm not fighting anybody just because they 've decided to make a comeback . ’
29 I know I 've made a lot of mistakes and there are probably a lot of things I should be sorry about but I would n't change my life , I would make the same mistakes because they 've taught me so much .
30 Not just because their popularity has grown naturally and without cartloads of bullshit , but because they 've wheedled their way out of Northern Ireland with a snarling guitar sound that benefits from an invigorating spread of influences — from techno to rap and ambient house to reggae .
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