Example sentences of "because there [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe you need to track down an old kitchen manufacturer , or perhaps you 've just signed a contract to get rid of a high-pressure salesman , and are worried because there does n't appear to be a get-out clause .
2 Because there does n't seem to have been ever any er revolution that was initiated by working classes .
3 Difficulties arise because there does not seem to have been any system of numbering or any attempt to group subjects .
4 " You 'll get a written report later , of course , but it wo n't have any more than the preliminary findings , because there does n't seem much to find .
5 The central problem would seem to be market vagaries ; old people should not be denied the services which they need to survive in the community because there happens to be a shortage in a given locality , or because certain areas are not profitable , or because some old people are less congenial than others .
6 We stopped for her to regain her breath , then , ‘ I ask because there seemed a sort of affinity between us .
7 Sometimes we came off night duty too tired to sleep at all , jaded and depressed , because there seemed to be no end to the dreary round of working , eating and trying to sleep .
8 She had drilled herself to super-efficiency and had become one of the very highly paid temps the advertisements talk about , because there seemed little point in such jobs unless they were extravagantly rewarded .
9 Shakespeare 's centrality has been achieved because there remains continued debate about the plays , these texts do not come down to us as ‘ dead on arrival ’ , to borrow a phrase from Stephen Greenblatt .
10 Satellite is more established because there cable companies take the service from the satellite and pipe it to customers .
11 Worse was to come , because there followed a very cold winter , and I had never felt cold in my life before .
12 Because there had never truly been enough height and the angle of the ceiling was so acute , nothing was ever quite symmetrical and balanced , and cupboards and wall space were eccentric and fortuitous .
13 Declaring himself ‘ deeply troubled ’ by the rise — from 264kgs last year to 392kgs so far this year — he said some people were underestimating the problem because there had not yet been an influx of misusers to drugs clinics .
14 Up to this point it had been fine because there had been no money .
15 But it was such an unusual rise to fame , a situation that , apart from Elvis and The Beatles , there really was n't anyone else to make any reference to and say this is how they got through it all , because there had been nobody else of that size who had done it , and it 's hard to say how much of the rise to fame was attributed to DeFries .
16 He had not been prepared for Cheltenham the same as some horses are , because there had been a last-minute change of plan for him and he would not have been really galloped hard .
17 Because there had been a recent spate of thefts from boats in the area the Club had formed its own teams of vigilantes who patrolled the moorings and by chance one of these noted down the camper 's registration number .
18 The judges thought that the police anticipation of a breach of the peace was reasonable because there had been a ‘ disturbance ’ after a similar meeting addressed by Mrs Duncan — fourteen months before .
19 Apparently there must have been very heavy rain higher up the dale because there had been some flooding and the river was running very fast .
20 Giving evidence in court , he said that it had been very crowded because there had been a karaoke session before people started watching the boxing match .
21 Mildred , however , had been given a rather dim-witted tabby because there had n't been quite enough black ones to go round .
22 I have said nothing all these weeks , because there had of course to be an arrangement made by us with your former publishers , which is now completed , if you agree .
23 There had in fact only been one occasion during those last years that Lewis could remember and he was sure Adam had only gone because there had been a promise of some shooting .
24 Finally the Willeys went for a celebration Sunday lunch … and had to make do with cold cuts because there had been a fire in the pub kitchen .
25 The laws of war may be one means of bringing about harmonisation : the very first multilateral laws-of-war convention of the modern type , namely the 1856 Paris Declaration on Maritime Warfare , was concluded because there had been divergent practices among the allies involved in the Crimean War .
26 One gate that he could open himself let him into a front garden patrolled by two Dobermans , but he was okay with dogs because there had always been dogs at his mother 's home , and at his grandparents ' home .
27 Money was short in the party by 1921 because there had been no proper revival since the war ; members were constantly described as apathetic , and were in no mood to give their time or their money to a party that did not know where it was going .
28 There was no allegation of negligence on their part and Rylands v. Fletcher was inapplicable because there had been no ‘ escape ’ of the thing that inflicted the injury .
29 Perhaps it was because there had been such a short gap between this meeting and the burial of her husband .
30 ‘ You have to love someone very greatly and very selflessly to make such a sacrifice , ’ said Fael-Inis , and Taliesin looked up , because there had been something unexpectedly gentle in Fael-Inis 's tone .
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