Example sentences of "because if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Which is a great pity , because if one cuts out all the Freudian claptrap , Abse has produced a brilliant character analysis of the Prime Minister , and of the whole Thatcher phenomenon , which succeeded in scaring the wits out of me .
2 For us , though , they are important , because if one plotted a map to show the distribution of all earthquake centres in the world for the last ten years , a large proportion of them would be scattered along the oceanic ridges .
3 This hedonist tends to live for the moment , because if one is constantly distracted from present experience by designs for the future nothing will ever be fully enjoyed .
4 I said this because if one were to think along certain other lines the fact that position is not a quality would seem irrelevant .
5 Because if one stands out then they lose what they 've got , they lose their job .
6 Because if one wanted to get into the house unheard , one would n't cross the gravel , but approach the house from the rear , or the far side .
7 And if we do get a period of rapid inflation , because if one looks back at seventy four seventy five , with inflation running at over twenty percent a year , stock market out of control , erm and er and er building society rates very poor , erm you know seventy four begins to look a bit like ninety four to me .
8 It is important to remember this when thinking about climatic geomorphology , because if one assumes that landforms are going to vary significantly with these zones , one assumes that the climatic parameters controlling landforms are the same as those controlling natural vegetation .
9 Worse , he told her that naturally he never used the lifts because if one were faulty he could be stuck a long time with no one to free him .
10 It seems the more peculiar because if one only has one slit , one does not get any fringes , just a uniform distribution of electrons across the screen .
11 The matter is serious because if one inspects the photocopy of the letter one sees that he forged not only the heading but the ’ Dear Dr.
12 So provides section 16 of the Partnership Act , 1890 , and the words have a comfortingly assured ring about them even though long and intimate acquaintance with that Act suggests that comfort will be impaired if here as at other points in the Act one indulges in deeper reflection ; and reflection need not go very deep before one becomes uneasy , because if one takes the words of section 16 into unqualified acceptance and seeks to apply them in practical situations , one does not have to envisage a great number of such situations to find some where the uncritical acceptance of section 16 will lead to manifest absurdity .
13 ( See Hall v Marians 19 TC 582 , Wild v King Smith 24 TC 86 , IRC v Gordon 33 TC 226 cf Lord Radcliffe in Thompson v Moyse 39 TC 29 at 337 ; it is not felt that Harmel v Wright 49 TC 149 at 159 alters the position because if one is " keeping one 's eye " ( p157E ) on the income and benefit it does not find its way to the United Kingdom ( it is hardly the case that the income and benefit " come in at one end of a conduit pipe and pass through certain traceable pipes until they come out at the other end to the taxpayer ( in the United Kingdom " ) ) . )
14 Tape back-up units , because if everyone is working on the same set of master files you ca n't afford to lose them
15 But you do you think honestly though that that really does still hold true because if everyone ha mostly having automatics now you just wash as you go you do n't have a washing day or is it specially Monday they
16 The policeman 's got ta carry the gun because if everyone else in the country has a gun , the policeman needs a gun .
17 If we look only at the output we may not learn anything , because if everyone is putting in the right amount of effort the system may still work in the same way as the arrow in the drawing does eventually find its way in the right direction .
18 A word of caution is required because if everyone is working on a sub-problem then it becomes difficult to tackle the whole problem in a novel way .
19 Yeah , because if ya , if ya , get it before ya start your business .
20 They feel the fighting is justified because their religion is something worth supporting and fighting for because if everybody just accepted what the other said then no-one would have the right to choose and end up with a dictatorship where one person is saying what they believe in and nobody fights back so everybody would end up having to agree .
21 An important question , because if somebody outside the Institute would perform the task differently , we must be prepared to answer the question ‘ Would that way be better or lead to better results ? ’
22 I always seem to , I think we , we were always at Stanford Hall that we must , it was a must that we have a good programme because if somebody comes and there 's nothing doing , they think well you know yo I , I , you see I suppose I 've got that orientated into Guild work but a friend of mine enticed me to go to er a club and erm it 's just simply for any age group , any sex male or female , but you must bereaved you know and erm she is a widow and I was widow , so I went but you see we , we sat round and you just , there was nothing organised and to me who had always been organised , I just felt so like a lost soul you know and er then one chappie put some records on and you cou and you could n't dance to them and I said oh , you know to me I thought wh you know but I do n't want to do it , I 've got enough to do but , I , I was straight away , I was looking for the organisation behind it you know .
23 Because if somebody 's been on an employer marketing course , and the feel happy about it , they 're more likely to do mor employer visits in one day .
24 Because if somebody does n't know what standard they 're supposed to achieve how can they be training then it 's like a piece of string is n't it , how long 's a piece of string ?
25 I usually get round people like that though because if somebody said that
26 Retired have n't they , because if somebody came to you cos you see , he was so upset about it
27 Insurers are more nervous about Ariane because if something goes wrong the whole rocket is likely to blow up , destroying everything on board .
28 but it 's not really a good idea because if something goes wrong with your machine
29 I forbade the entire delegation to travel in his rickety contraption , because if something happened and we all disappeared , our negotiations would have been wasted .
30 because if something happens , I think it 's important for tutorial programme it can respond to what 's happening
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