Example sentences of "because [art] people " in BNC.

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1 Computer systems are often under-exploited , largely because the people using the systems are not aware of its possibilities .
2 This might be because the people to whom they apply are encountered only infrequently in the course of police work .
3 Under strain for a start because it was technically ill-equipped to avert disaster or to cope with the consequences when disaster struck ; under strain from commercial pressures which , as the inquiry puts it , ‘ compromised ’ safety ; under strain above all because the people on the spot could n't or would n't cope , were weary from gruesome working hours ( the senior signal technician who heads the list of the culpable had had only one day off in the past 13 weeks ) , lacked adequate training , or simply could n't be bothered .
4 Now , it is Kingfisher which has become a favourite — not because the people at the helm have great shopkeeping flair but because their cautious and unflamboyant management style has created a retailing empire of solid reliability .
5 Sadly , because the people who run soccer are incapable of seeing further than the next television contract , the real purpose of the Taylor Report is reduced to an argument about whether or not spectators should stand or be seated .
6 ‘ The acceptance of our presence throughout the Caribbean was going to be the most vital thing , because the people here took the anti-apartheid struggle very seriously .
7 Yet we can not describe the contributions made to society purely in economic terms , nor can we operate prejudices against any sector of society because the people involved do not conform to our concept of a normal life .
8 And the reason why the made marriages were happy ones is because the people who arranged them were mature level-headed people . ’
9 We would n't let them meet on the corners because the people in the houses on the corners always used to complain of the row that they made — used to chase them .
10 The formal school , in short , remains separate from the community it serves very largely because the people in that community wish it to be so .
11 There is always a danger of overidentification with the people we study and to regard their problems as unique simply because the people themselves see it that way .
12 There 's hardly anyone doing anything new and that 's because the people who are making this music have n't got any emotion and drive to do anything .
13 But my opinion on this is really fairly redundant , because the people who are buying it are going to be pros — either that or seasoned bank robbers !
14 All my pleasures will be solitary , even when I happen to be in company ; I shall not be exhilarated simply because the people around me are enjoying themselves , nor depressed because they are in low spirits .
15 ‘ He 'll get a good reaction from our fans because the people appreciate everything he did for the club , ’ Rush said .
16 The Russians who went to war on their side were now regarded as their enemies , and he contended that the reason why the British government was trying to prevent the Russian Government trading with this country and was using Polish forces to fight the Russian people was because the people of Russia had set up a form of Government which was antagonistic to a capitalist Government like theirs .
17 Because the people who run our Overdrive offices are experienced , they know the legal constraints that abound in transport .
18 Because the people who run those things are 40-year-old ex-rockers driving Porsches around , they feel threatened that people can make music with computers that other people like .
19 He says one of the reasons he likes Australia is because the people there do n't analyse the fun out of everything , they just go ahead and act .
20 He expanded his original idea of doing a show on the artist 's late works after the Wall came down , because the people in the former East had never seen Picasso 's paintings .
21 Five times the size of Rutland , Buckinghamshire shows every symptom of several standards of assessment : numerous reductions in the Chiltern hundreds in 1524 reduced aggregate wealth from £97 to £67 per thousand acres , while in Buckingham hundreds it only dropped from £84 to £59 , but throughout the northern half of the shire many of the 1522 assessments were retained substantially unaltered , conceivably because the people concerned deemed it prudent to keep their mouths shut and pay up ; a significant number were actually uprated , perhaps penalised for having the gall to seek abatements , so attracting a further , more searching investigation of their means .
22 Manicuring is boring actually , but it was meeting all those people , there was always something interesting to talk about because the people were so knowledgeable and travelled … you get all the kings and dukes and lords .
23 Business is only sharper because the people that run it — and work within it — have a healthier attitude .
24 To the Tory government West Belfast is on the periphery of a periphery and the only reason that the development of West Belfast is on the agenda is because the people of West Belfast have put it there .
25 " I can not accept lectures , " he told his guests , " because the people who pay for them expect me to attend cocktail parties at which I am caught between someone wanting to know what I think of existentialism and someone asking me what I really meant by such-and-such a line " .
26 It was because the people were used to that kind of society with a secret police and er government inspectors and sending people out to Siberia and putting
27 But is n't it the ignorance of the people because the people are ignorant and they actually do n't know what they 're voting for
28 And through her love also she shows great respect because the people that she 's dealing with are considered in Indian society to be the dregs of humanity .
29 The acceptance of our presence throughout the Caribbean was going to be the most vital thing , because the people here took the anti-apartheid struggle very seriously .
30 Erm i because the people that w we were we near to the people and more accessible to them ,
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