Example sentences of "because [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Now one would think that er they would go out of business because no-one would want to live there , but as a result of government policy , which has meant that Council houses are n't available to people any more , because a local authority is n't allowed to build them ; people actually have the choice : they either are homeless and on the streets or they pay exorbitant rents for appalling accommodation .
2 I tried telling her she was wrong , which was silly really , because no-one ought to decide such things for anyone else … ’
3 Because no-one can catch up with her ? ’
4 Because no-one can describe what executives do .
5 This confused me until I realised that the more shadowy the figure of the ex then the greater her power , because no-one can compete with a phantom .
6 No publicity is being sought , and none is likely because no-one can find him .
7 Newbridge Networks Corp is at the forefront of Asynchronous Transfer Mode technology according to analysts contacted by Reuters : ‘ No-one else is shipping true ATM switches and they 've already shipped 60 switches , ’ Terry Murphy , a senior analyst at Smith Barney Harris Upham & Co said , adding that because no-one will need the sort of capacity offered by Asynchronous Transfer Mode transmission systems until later in the decade , Newbridge has bought itself a virtual insurance policy by leading in deployment .
8 Because no-one will ever find you . ’
9 This was because no-one could be sure who exactly within this group begot him .
10 They went to cabin 10 that night ; Jane because nothing would have kept her away ; Lucinda because she had nothing better to do ; and Vi reluctantly , because someone had to keep an eye on Lilith and her peculiar ways and maybe , though the eldest of the trio would never have admitted it , because she was more than a little curious about the birthday message .
11 Glenys is really a strong critic , she tells me the truth , that 's the most important thing , because it simply would n't be any good living with a fan who said that everything you did was absolutely fine and perfect and wonderful , because nothing would have validity .
12 Would she and Stephen be sitting just as they were now and be suddenly unable to remember anything that had happened because nothing would have been real ?
13 Because nothing can travel faster than light , an object that can vary its output of energy within a period of a few days can be at best a few light-days across .
14 ‘ Anything more obvious would be counter-productive because everyone would just laugh .
15 In a recent interview with The Spectator Lord Denning , former Master of the Rolls — one of the highest judicial positions in England — commented that he felt the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six should have been hung because everyone would then have forgotten about them .
16 Again such taxes discriminate against the poor because everyone must pay the same regardless of their actual wealth .
17 Olga and Boyd Stych are going to be blamed , because everyone will think they were agreeable to its publication .
18 But if the consensus is one of conviction , then dissent , however surprising , will not be out of order in the same way , because everyone will recognize that an attack on the substantive case for the proposition is an attack on the proposition itself .
19 ‘ This is going to have the biggest impact on the service industry where companies will not be undercut because everyone will have to pay the same .
20 It was a big relief because everyone could see we should have won it . ’
21 It does n't matter who owns BR because everyone can see the benefits .
22 Remember how nasty it was the last time you were sick ? ’ or ‘ Do n't leave your doll at the top of the stairs , because someone might trip over it and fall to the bottom .
23 Someone says something particularly stupid in a shop , or you wait half an hour in the British Rail canteen because someone ca n't decide whether they want some fruitcake or not .
24 We can no longer assume that because someone can do the job they can teach the skill .
25 This was possible because someone can be tried once and convicted once for every separate offence he commits and an offence under section 14 is committed every time someone reads the brochure — since a false statement is made every time it is communicated to someone .
26 I stare at his reflection , because I dare not look at him , and for an instant his face disappears , and the image is of a death 's head grinning at me , a white skull : bones with no flesh , black sockets with no eyes .
27 And I suggest libraries and museums , because I dare say they have the greatest experience in information co-ordination systems erm , within the , within the council , and I think , er , and of course they 're highly involved out in the community .
28 I had purposely left it unwashed , stuffing it in a suitcase because I might need to spread it out on my bridegroom 's bed in the dark of night .
29 ‘ know nothing of , only because I might
30 Ron said that I should not go on to the track and kill myself because I might pull a hamstring .
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