Example sentences of "one can always " in BNC.

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1 But like every artist , one can always look back and see where things could have been improved .
2 Brown , thirtyish yet elderly : ‘ One can always learn from how it 's done elsewhere . ’
3 Lavas are amongst the most harmless weapons in a volcano 's formidable armoury — one can always see them coming , and almost always get out of their way quickly enough .
4 For the complete cube , the results so far lead us to believe that one can always restore the cube in at most about 22 moves .
5 Of course , they may not accept the beliefs , attitudes , or intentions that are expressed ; one can always object to what somebody else says , but it does not make much sense to do this unless one understands its meaning .
6 One of the benefits of decorated photograph frames is that one can always alter the surround at will , thereby changing the colour emphasis of a particular photograph .
7 Gillian 's always been convinced I 'm a complete nut , and one of the advantages of being a known nut is that one can always get people to believe one 's acted in a nutty way . ’
8 The fact that one can always see what one has said as a string of words , which might be interpreted in this way or that , does not entail that whenever one says something there is an accompanying interpretation going through one 's head .
9 One can always forgive the young , ’ said Marcelle .
10 It is essential in a well-run company that in addition to the feeling of plenty of headroom and space to create and carry out one 's job , there should be absolute confidence that those above will support one and that one can always look to them as a resource or as a help .
11 I mean , one can always make conditions .
12 One can always try to do something for individuals .
13 Finally , one can always sell the gold and any good jeweller is likely to be interested ; in my experience , however , they only offer a modest premium over the world 's spot price and , quite honestly , it is a meagre reward for all the effort .
14 The problem , simply stated , is that for any rational expectations model one can always specify a non-rational expectations model which has exactly the same implications for a given set of data , even though it may have other implications which are quite different .
15 One can always learn , ’ Lucy said gravely .
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