Example sentences of "one which i " in BNC.

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1 When faced with a request for a garden seat , similar to the one on a recent DIY front cover , I searched high and low for one which I could buy , rather than make myself .
2 To me it is a worthwhile occupation and one which I am convinced will stand me in good stead for the rest of my life . ’
3 However , the grim , vulnerable face staring out of the canvas reveals a side of me which undoubtedly is real enough , but one which I 'm sure Jane has never seen .
4 It is a bridge between Northern Ireland and the rest of the Community , and one which I hope business people will use as often as possible to help strengthen the Province 's economy .
5 I 've been deadheading the roses ; there is such a wonderful profusion of colours this year now that the new bushes have settled in , especially the big white one which I 'm sure you remember .
6 I knew that informed public opinion might be shifting , but also that the school to which I hoped to return as head would not yet be very different from the one which I had left as a history teacher .
7 My nominee for the non-sport of the future is one which I used to watch on television regularly .
8 One which I found to be of great value in my business life , until the advent of decimalisation , was learnt in Standard Four , in the usual sing-song fashion .
9 For NCC to continue to reiterate the theme and amplify the idea of cross-curricular themes in official documentation is very encouraging : it is a definite step forward and one which I would want to secure .
10 The last movement has some harmonic progressions which are thoroughly reminiscent of early Messiaen and the whole marvellous piece is one which I am genuinely excited to have encountered . ( )
11 I had my favourites , of course , particularly one which I called Nanny Bateson .
12 If I was to believe something or to choose to do something , the decision was one which I had to make myself and make before God alone .
13 Unfortunately there is one flaw in the JMP-1 's design , and one which I think Marshall are going to have to address .
14 The same could be said of the recent Starfield and Chandler ranges , both of which we have looked at lately , and if this steering away from routine duplication is indeed a new trend , then it 's one which I applaud wholeheartedly .
15 I worked a lot in one which I used to call D4 — basically taking the second string down to A and then sometimes taking the third string down to F sharp — open D. But sometimes keeping the third string tuned to G. I also used to tune to D minor sometimes and take the F sharp down to F , but sometimes keeping the E at the top so you 'd have a ninth . ’
16 It 's a magic technique and one which I first tried years ago but never knitted as a pattern as not many people then had the facilities to make use of it .
17 After a number of closed doors there was a feeling of discouragement and uselessness but I thank God that another door has opened — not in a direction I had originally looked but one which I am sure is right for now .
18 Another reason given for increased central control — and one which I have heard frequently in Tanzania — was that there was a danger of confusing illiterate peasants if the media did not speak with one voice .
19 But there was one which I liked very much and which still makes me laugh , which was n't to do with my performance , but with my appearance .
20 Is the difference one which I could apprehend without any thoughts of ducks and rabbits ?
21 It is a claim additional to this , but one which I also believe to be true , that human conventions , at least beyond a certain state of elaboration , can be understood only with the help of history , and that the social sciences accordingly have an essential historical base .
22 The second point of view which is excluded by taking seriously the representation problem is one which I am disposed , perhaps unfairly , to call ‘ the Wittgensteinian cop-out ’ .
23 But as I say , and then er , the other one which I can tell you was , which is absolute disaster !
24 The Children Act 1989 and the regulations made under that Act have imposed upon the justices a new and very substantial burden and one which I am aware is sometimes causing difficulty , as justices are not accustomed to giving a judgment or a detailed explanation of their findings and their reasons .
25 One possible reason for its comparative success , and one which I stumbled on in all innocence at that time , was that its subject and setting were limited .
26 Erm , and I think that aspect of the royal family is one which I would really do without !
27 But the more precise use of the word ‘ State , ’ the use to be expected in a legal context , and the one which I am quite satisfied … was intended in this statute , is to denote the organs of government of a national community .
28 I 've thought of one which I do n't I ca n't remember whether we 've ever done that 's Rosamunda , Overture to Rosamunda , which
29 The file extension , the one , one which I saw was dot mum .
30 This act of faith by the Department was one which I hoped would be justified and I was very much looking forward to the challenge .
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