Example sentences of "one that could " in BNC.

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1 SIR ANTHONY Hidden QC has omitted one place to lay the blame for the Clapham disaster — the law lords who decided in the ‘ Fares Fair ’ case that an ‘ economic ’ transport system was one that made a profit or broke even on fares charged , rather than one that could expect support from ratepayers or taxpayers .
2 It is an important experiment and one that could play a key role in securing public approval , or disapproval , for genetic engineering .
3 But the bombardment of Tel Aviv has exposed another split , one that could , in time , prove just as dangerous to the allies : the division between Arab governments and the people they govern .
4 American congressmen will soon be debating the most radical financial reform that country has contemplated since the 1930s , one that could change the links between finance and industry by ending the old separation between commercial and investment banks , and by allowing industrial firms to own banks .
5 It is also time to worry , for such a strong consensus generally has an over-reaction on its coat-tails , one that could do more damage than the action to which it is a response .
6 A policy that could not work was presented as one that could , and a scheme that stood American policy on its head was elaborately argued to be otherwise .
7 This represented a great step forward in the services available from the co-operative and one that could have significance for advisory services in this country — particularly in remote areas .
8 It 's a very exciting project and one that could really prove what we are capable of when we try . ’
9 Still prefers to work by himself — a trait of which he is aware , but one that could make him retreat into a bubble when he most needs help .
10 It was a hopeless love and one that could not possibly be reciprocated .
11 Of all the films Ocean might 've obtained the licence to , they chose one that could only be described as mediocre .
12 The guitar is still the one that could never be replaced by anything digital because you would never be able to get the same sound and feel on a computer .
13 ‘ The obvious symmetrical properties of sea shells indicate the operation of a far deeper principle in nature than previously thought , one that could have far reaching implications for Science in general . ’
14 Largest aircraft to leave the Museum and the one that could give the most problems when it comes to moving it , is former Spanish Dornier Do 24 flying boat HD5-1 .
15 The problem was the other Voice in her head , the one that could silence all the rest , the one that brought its pictures with it , the one that poured memories into her mind until she thought she would burst .
16 When he names the most-important squad of his England career — the one that could make or break him — I do hope he includes the names of Wright and Everton 's Peter Beardsley .
17 The gender perspective is one that could fruitfully be pursued further in anthropological studies on values in connection with social behaviour .
18 THE Southern Hemisphere drive , outlined in our Laws Low-Down feature on page 28 , to make the game more spectator-friendly is a laudable goal — but one that could change the game for the worse .
19 Latest word from the grapevine is that IBM Corp 's 3390-9 disk drive may be put back to June 1 or June 8 ( CI No 2,165 ) , and there is a certain lack of confidence that the thing will be an easy sell given that it is significantly slower than the lower capacity drives , making it unsuitable for most leading edge mainframe applications ( CI No 2,165 ) : the conspiracy theorists conjecture that it is not a product that the sales force and the market actually want , one that could have been developed simply to respond to something a competitor was planning but in the end never launched , but that it has cost sufficient to develop that to write off the effort now would leave a nasty hole in AdStar Inc 's balance sheet — much better to put the thing out in the confidence that some users will bite , and write the work off over perhaps a five-year product life .
20 An ERM with fully integrated capital markets , and now without the glue of stabilising expectations of that sort , is anything but ‘ tried and tested ’ : it is a new experiment , and one that could go badly wrong .
21 Brown doubts Microsoft 's pledge to reduce it to 8Mb in the final release will produce a very usable system , certainly not one that could run multiple applications concurrently .
22 If that were true , it would constitute a general economic as well as social rationale for higher education , and one that could be related to all of Lawton 's eight headings .
23 Not a happy marriage , and not one that could take on the extra burden of a weeping widowed friend .
24 This is the decider , the one that could end the career of the king of unlicensed boxing , the man they call the Guvnor .
25 Considering this fact and also that HERMS may well be interrogated by non-CAD users for reference information , we decided to build the data base on a separate computer ; one that could , in time , be interfaced with any turnkey CAD system that supported RS232C communications protocol .
26 The Star Zoo computer was the only one that could think .
27 Equally a yacht which is cruising and has more power-consuming electronic equipment , such as a refrigerator , which might use 200 amps during a week , would require a much larger generator , one that could recharge at 28.6 amps per day ( 1.2 amp/hr ) .
28 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
29 And er I was determined that er we would n't lose hold of this claim because it was a good claim , it was a logical claim , it was one that could be answered by the management and could be er er put into effect without any delay in time .
30 When the modern one arrived , the one that could do fancy stitching , all the women gathered round , talking at once .
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