Example sentences of "one in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He intends to introduce new Masters courses , including one in communication networks ; improve publicity for and the quality of current courses ; and impose tighter controls on internal management .
2 The last group , the thirty-six major establishments , includes colleges of technology , technical colleges , colleges of further education , colleges of agriculture , a college of horticulture , a college of art , and three tertiary colleges , two of which are in Gwent and one in West Glamorgan .
3 Erm and this is one in Station , one of the spinners .
4 Yesterday , his uncompromising conclusions left no one in doubt that it did .
5 The undertaker 's trade card was explicit and left no one in doubt as to the range of items available from any one merchant .
6 When Lady Diana Warburton died in March 1693–94 , her executors commissioned a large standing monument for St John 's church , Chester , from the sculptor Edward Pierce , the symbolism of which leaving no one in doubt of its meaning .
7 No one in Parliament objected : the assumption seemed to be that this was what a publicly owned radio service ought to do .
8 It would be embarrassing to be given a gift if one had n't bought one in return .
9 There remains the other great source of money from abroad — one in return for which , with a single uncomfortable proviso , Greece needs to do nothing .
10 And if a journalist able to do you any kind of legitimate favour he or she will certainly feel that you owe him or her one in return ; this debt may be called in when you are least able to be informative .
11 I felt the soap operas were raising issues about how you survived and coped in the late eighties that both addressed political issues and also involved me emotionally , whereas nothing about the formal election coverage got to me at all — apart from the Labour Party Political Broadcast , the first one in history to be repeated by popular demand !
12 I have always had very limited sympathy with what is rather mis misdescribed in my er er view , as industrial action , but there is one in history , one instance of industrial action with which I must tell Your Lordships I feel an increasing sympathy .
13 Several governments that had no division between purchasers and providers are busy creating one in order to encourage managed competition .
14 The elder child may be made to give way to the demands of the younger one in order to keep the peace .
15 After much ‘ mickey-taking ’ , I informed every lady that I only bought one in order to get some change for Sue to go to the toilet ( 25p a time — whatever happened to the expression ‘ spending a penny ’ ) .
16 I am sure thousands of caring Northern Echo readers would like to get one in order to alleviate the horrific suffering of these innocent animals .
17 Lesson one in syntax .
18 I drank my last orange one in school , chocolate and coconut
19 oh this takes the piss man , I bet you there 's no one in school with a cigarette in his arm
20 I want one in cream and blue .
21 Three men in each country , the classic triangle : one visible agent , one in support , one underground .
22 Erm do this one in , do this one in pencil .
23 I 've got one in Battle on Tudor Battle , all about the dissolution of Battle Abbey and erm what happened to the town afterwards ; one on Elizabethan Rye , which is erm was notable because it was the largest place in Sussex at the time , a very important port , a lot of trade for London went through Rye , and there 's a lot of stuff relating to piracy and erm warfare .
24 I 've got one in Battle on Tudor Battle , all about the dissolution of Battle Abbey and erm what happened to the town afterwards , one on Elizabethan Rye , which is erm was notable because it was the largest place in Sussex at the time , very important port , lot of trade for London went to Rye , and there 's a lot of stuff relating to piracy and erm warfare .
25 The second is that Yorkshire finished 1989 four points from the bottom with a one-day record almost as poor ; it seems there has been no improvement , nor is one in sight .
26 There was no one in sight .
27 No one in sight .
28 ‘ No one in sight , ’ said Bodie .
29 No one in sight ; of course there was n't .
30 Save for an old woman with a sagging mouth standing in a doorway , there was no one in sight .
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