Example sentences of "look down the " in BNC.

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1 Their specification however , looks down the road and anticipates the need to provide for both Microsoft Corp NT interoperability and Windows NT SparcWare applications in future .
2 She was afraid then , rather as a skier might feel when he looks down the steep whiteness of a dangerous slope , or a high diver who seems far above the water , but the sensation was so unusual to her that she could n't be sure that it was entirely unpleasant still strongly mixed , as it was , with curiosity .
3 PETER HARTLAND looks down the corridors of history and produces what he sees as the supreme England one-day team
4 The candidate looks down the offered answers arid circles A or B or C or whichever answer he thinks appropriate .
5 Filigree Street crosses its turnwise end in the manner of the crosspiece of a T , and the Broken Drum is so placed that it looks down the full length of the street .
6 Wishart had been away but he had heard the stories later , how Alexander had suddenly looked down the hall , dropping his cup and going pale with fright .
7 Whoever suggested the grandiose title and subtitle of this book was looking down the wrong end of a microscope .
8 Looking down the meadow to the cabin , he saw no sign yet of the other four but the Eel was very close .
9 Photo : Suttons Looking down the 15th hole in the early 1970's .
10 Chalk greeted them and supplied them with beer but , as they drank , they found themselves looking down the barrels of a dozen pistols !
11 Looking down the long straight of Avenida del Sol , I saw a rainbow 's end brushing the sign dug into the hillside : ‘ Viva el Peru ’ .
12 One can , looking down the microscope , observe the behaviour of individual cells as the embryo develops .
13 ‘ Between the top of Skiddaw and the Lake of Bassenthwaite the numerous narrow openings are happily described by Housman … ‘ on looking down the profound precipice in almost any direction the eye recoils with horror .
14 Looking into the yawning mouth of the trap with the moonlight flickering on the wet slimy seaweed within , was not unlike looking down the throat of some attacking monster .
15 His feet are wide apart , legs straight , and his head is looking down the pitch over the left shoulder .
16 For the last few minutes before Ellen appeared , Ruth stood by the window , looking down the dale .
17 Instead I was looking down the quay to where a pathetically thin girl was walking beside a smartly dressed woman .
18 And then the whole thing swivelled round in my head , and I was looking down the same chimney from the top , and nothing was about to stop me falling down it .
19 Finding herself back in the Imaginary Universes Laboratory , Gedanken lost no time in looking down the microscope again .
20 Gedanken thought there must be something wrong with her eyesight — the strain of looking down the microscope .
21 He folded it open at a page of stocks and shares , and as he was looking down the lists he gave the man two dollars .
22 The judge was midway round the circle , looking down the scratch line , a grey-haired man in a torn suit jacket and a homburg .
23 Fei Yen stood by the window looking down the steep slope towards the terrace and the ornamental lake .
24 He rose and went to the window , looking down the slope .
25 ‘ You know , ’ Ash was saying , breathing hard and looking down the stair-well as I opened the door .
26 It was like looking down the eye of a hurricane .
27 Its beauty lies not in its architecture , but in the magnificence of its views as it sits in splendid isolation on top of a steep hill looking down the unencumbered views across fields , moors and woodland to the river valleys of the Wye and Elan .
28 Lever sat up , staring outward , then turned , looking down the aisle of the transporter .
29 Looking down the basement steps which led to a paved area from which a door led straight into that kitchen which had secretly housed Bill Egan , he thought he could see that the door was ajar .
30 He stood at the edge of the slope , looking down the line of his cordon and into the turgid water .
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