Example sentences of "use within [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are , however , certain defences to an action for defamation , and a member of a council may be able to bring the language he uses within the ambit of one of those defences .
2 The BAI , which is used within a Benefits Analysis Framework , provides concepts , criteria and fundamental steps to aid the evaluation of potential benefits to the users of new office systems .
3 After all , it could be argued that the purpose of a semantic analyser used within a text recognition system is not to demonstrate the plausibility of a particular semantic theory , but to simulate the output of a human reader .
4 The ways in which semantic information may be used within a text recognition system have been described , and a number of possible system architectures discussed .
5 However , when language is used within a specific domain , it is often the case that only a subset of those senses is appropriate .
6 Therefore , it is more accurate to state ( so far ) that collocation information ’ extracted from and used within a specific domain ’ can significantly improve the recognition process .
7 The first principle , Conventionality , is concerned with the maintenance of conventions about how expressions are used within a specific speech community .
8 In addition to being consistent over time , it is clearly desirable that indicators used within a single year be consistent .
9 Slim-line tension rods , which are telescopic , are used to carry net curtains neatly without any fixing brackets , but they can only be used within a window reveal as they spring out to grip the sides .
10 Recess brackets enable a pole to be used within a window reveal and replace end finials .
11 The cartographic data must exist in digital format before they can be used within a GIS ; although the amount of digital map data is growing larger a considerable amount of manual digitizing is needed in practice to provide the database necessary for a successful GIS .
12 The mnemonics used in the Relationships Listing map onto the text strings used within a module header .
13 There are few examples of their being scattered extensively and repeatedly used within a single text ; where this does happen , as for instance in Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin , the practice can readily be justified by its thematic significance ( on which see further below ) , as again can be seen to be the case with the cornucopia of excrement that Robin drops on to the deservedly victimized Jouglet .
14 Within this " quantitative paradigm " ( see Romaine 1982 ) , it is assumed that variability is inherent in language and " variable rules " give the best account of the frequency with which one or other variant is used within a particular group .
15 SPC can only be used within a PRINT or INPUT statement .
16 The last is licence compliance — the company provides a baseline inventory of all software being used within an organisation .
17 One of the most important aspects of a writer 's creative personality is the degree to which he or she is sensitive and responsive to changes in public tastes , and is able to sense when such changes are in the ascendancy , acceptable to the vast majority of people , and can be successfully used within an advertising context .
18 Committees might be used within an organisation as a means of either delegating authority or pooling authority .
19 This is simply nonsense but , nevertheless , it has been used within the Labour Party to block discussion of organisation in Northern Ireland .
20 It is accepted that antagonism must not jeopardise training efforts and every opportunity is used within the service to communicate the need for the policy .
21 Although the terms by which police officers refer to black people are in common use in various other social contexts , they seem to be more commonly used within the Met than in most other groups : there can be few other groups in which it is normal , automatic , habitual to refer to black people as ‘ coons ’ , ‘ niggers ’ and so on …
22 This has occasionally been used within the USA , where political risk is minimal , to finance the development of a new oil well(s) or field .
23 This is not a departure from random methods since these are used within the strata ; it is simply a job done beforehand as a precaution against freak random results if the distribution of the special factors in the population is accurately known beforehand .
24 The company says only that they are ‘ being used within the group to get some money back ’ .
25 The floor must be lined with straw within the sleeping quarters but wood shavings can be used within the run section since this is easier to clean out — a task that must be carried out regularly .
26 It figures , therefore , that freed from a line controlling its movements a ferret can work much more freely and quickly — and a number of muzzled ferrets can be used within the same burrow system at the same time .
27 The B-1R head , as used within the B-1 combo , serves as an example of just how compact useful power levels are becoming .
28 From a developmental point of view this will mean adding to the local varieties used within the family and peer group those varieties used for wider communication ( in school and higher education , in adult work and society ) ; it means adding written language to spoken language , Standard English to non-Standard English , literary language to non-literary language and , for children who have a different mother tongue , it means adding English to their first language .
29 Can contingent rewards and punishers be used within the same intervention ?
30 Can be used within the same intervention .
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