Example sentences of "look [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The remarkable novels of S. E. Hinton — for instance , The Outsiders and That Was Then , This Is Now — describe the operation of honour as it exists within American city gangs with a passionate conviction one looks for in vain in many similar contemporary adventure fictions .
2 Those are only the qualities he looks for in the people who work for him , though .
3 If the record is not on the centre track the first or last track will be searched , depending on a comparison of the key being looked for with the highest key on the track .
4 It can be immensely useful — and that is what is looked for with lateral thinking — or it can be false .
5 Right so that 's looked for at birth , what 's the other thing they check for at birth ?
6 The posters were fixed at night and the culprits were never caught — or , more likely , never looked for by a police force who enjoyed the joke as much as the rest of the city .
7 One of the main set of attributes looked for by employers in their recruits is their ability to find interesting , creative and workable solutions to problems .
8 And does n't this give us — faintly indeed , but unmistakably — just what we 've looked for in vain in all the other Sicilian allusions : that 's to say , evidence that when Pound was in Sicily he did n't go around with his eyes closed , his ears and nostrils stopped ?
9 Note that although not required in law , corroboration of the victim 's evidence is looked for in practice .
10 Corroboration is looked for in practice and the following circumstances will usually amount to corroboration :
11 They are to be looked for in our Western indigenous psychological explanations as much as in the domains of scientific pursuit which , as Riches notes above , are not themselves free from such ontological conceptions .
12 Finally , it seems also to be a taken-for-granted principle that in human affairs where there is order there is something corresponding to a rule to be looked for in the background of the actions which appear as orderly .
13 No plan for the upper floor is given , and the ground floor plan is very simple , with none of those carefully considered amenities that Dorothea might have looked for in Loudon 's Encyclopaedia .
14 Fourteen diabetes related examinations were looked for in the medical records , ranging from visual acuity and foot pulses to random blood sugar and urine analysis .
15 For example , in an article aimed at secondary headteachers , Ross ( 1987 ) identifies huge shortfalls between the aims described in the National Criteria for the GCSE art and design and music examinations , and what the assessment objectives prescribe should be looked for in these subjects :
16 Where , on the other hand , we have sense-qualification , the property of A is not applied as a property in itself to the entity identified by N ( nor are any referential and perceptual correlates of the intensional property to be looked for in the actual referent , if there is one , corresponding to that entity ) .
17 And cultural determinism is the idea that they way people think and act , is largely determined by their culture , their upbringing , their socialization , their home environment , peer group pressure , this kind of thing , and is not to be looked for in natural causes , in their genes , for example , or in individual psychological experience , as was the prime focus of Freud in psychoanalysis .
18 Another possibility is that there could be a relationship between this inflammation and infection with Helicobacter pylori , although we are unable to confirm this from our study , since the organism was not specifically looked for in every case .
19 Section 2(3) provides that in considering the common duty of care , the circumstances include the degree of care and want of care which would ordinarily be looked for in such a visitor .
20 Nothing fancy is looked for in the way of bait and tackle : it 's the basic hook , line and worm .
21 Project members are normally overseen by a Steering Committee , representing relevant expertise that is not to be looked for within the institution itself .
22 The woodwork can be clearly seen and the turned balusters have been looked after over the years .
23 Not all the interests of our citizens have been looked after over the last twelve years .
24 We expect all horses that are well looked after to be cheerful , but like people , some display it more than others .
25 It enables everyone involved to understand the Process that is going on , it makes it possible for grieving people to be looked after for a while , but not to sink into a chronic mourning state , because everyone knows when it is meant to be finished , and when the bereaved people are meant to pick up their responsibilities again .
26 I think the public wants to know that all those people , and their families , who suffered in the war will be looked after for the rest of their lives . ’
27 ‘ Carol Barratt is going to be looked after for the rest of her life , and looked after well , whereas life for us is never going to be the same again . ’
28 Certainly they make demands on social and medical services , and it is possible that severely mentally handicapped people will have to be looked after for all their lives .
29 Even then , it is looked after for a further two or three weeks .
30 He and his wife retired to Countess Street , in Heaviley , not far from the buildings and fields he had looked after for a lifetime so conscientiously , with cheerful whistle and every-ready smile .
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