Example sentences of "quite [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 They showed me quite successfully but the eggs and tomatoes missed .
2 But as the reader will be aware , during the past decade or so , the courts , building on a series of decisions which quite properly and logically held ineffective a number of ingenious and entirely artificial schemes devised for the manufacture and allowance of losses or expenses which were never in fact incurred , have sought to create and apply to transactions conferring tax advantages for which the legislature has made provision a doctrine of ‘ legitimate business purpose ’ , the general effect of which is that even though the citizen follows to the letter that which Parliament has told him that he can do in order to attract the fiscal consequences which Parliament has statutorily decreed will follow if he does it , nevertheless , whatever Parliament may have said shall be the consequences , the courts will and must decline to give effect , not to what he has done , but to the fiscal consequences which Parliament has provided , unless he demonstrates that there was a ‘ legitimate business purpose ’ for his action .
3 Even with the edge dulled , the finish on the harder parts was still quite clean but the softer wood tore up quite badly and in places just fell away .
4 Early weaning is only recommended if the baby is suffering quite badly and you have exhausted all other possibilities .
5 In that film you see yourself falling over , grazing your knees quite badly and , not surprisingly , crying .
6 12.55:THIS race has cut up quite badly and it will be a major surprise if LORD RELIC does not collect .
7 Apparently during the First World War some professor erm was using a bunsen burner and he burned himself quite badly and by him he just happ he just happened to have some lavender oil essential and for the nearest thing he put his hand in there and apparently it was supposed to have calmed it down and it healed very quickly .
8 Rest of the cast fought him off but the tenor got cut about quite badly and had to go to hospital .
9 ‘ I 'd fallen quite badly and had disc problems with my back .
10 External libraries Four of the six departments use external libraries although the amount of use ranges quite widely and the reasons for their use differ .
11 A particular difficulty would seem to be that the proportion of left handed inverters found in the general population does not correspond to the proportion of sinistrals estimated on other grounds to have left hemisphere speech ( Searleman , Tweedy and Springer , 1979 ) although it must be admitted that the range of estimates of both proportions has varied quite widely and there is at least some overlap .
12 By 1918 there were many Labour Party parliamentarians and trade unionists who would willingly have excluded the ILP from the party , were it not that opposition to the war had spread quite widely and had partly justified the ILP position .
13 Er we did n't always know what was going on but erm , we did catch the planes when they took off in the morning and we watched them come home in the afternoons and we got some ideas sometimes when things had n't gone quite right and I 'm sure we did share with you in your grief .
14 It is wonderful to lose yourself for a little while and you do meet such nice Medau people who do n't mind if you ca n't do it quite right and nearly drop your club on their foot !
15 These are usually temporary measures which can be obtained quite swiftly and will involve the court directing the developer not to carry out the development until the court has had an opportunity to consider the dispute in detail .
16 Er so there will be er a loss to us there of about three hundred pounds because erm we were asking for something to be made and therefore I think I would say quite rightly but in view of this experience perhaps never again , er made some advance contribution , you know to the cost or made some , gave some money in advance blah blah blah .
17 Quite rightly and rationally , many American takeovers in the 1980s were driven by these theories .
18 Be bec , the appalling thing is that they 're quite , they 're quite happy to spread this pain on those who are in the least position to burden it and they believe quite rightly and this , this is the I think , that exists between socialism and and and the Conservatism in that sense that whereas erm , you know opinion surveys bear out the fact that people are quite happy , those who can afford it to pay a little bit extra in terms of direct taxation for those service provisions , which are absolutely vital and these surveys have been conducted in public and they have been made quite er er open to the press , er , just before the last election particularly for the health authority and so forth .
19 ‘ That 's a good thing , ’ Mr Hellyer said , quite good-humouredly but with a singular lack of interest .
20 The problem comes when one tries to link such words with actual available historical tempo measurements , for the results are often quite obviously and inconveniently in conflict with each other and with many present-day assumptions .
21 The cart track , enclosed by walls and known locally as Harber Scar Lane , climbs gradually and uneventfully along the side of Harber Scar and then , quite suddenly and unexpectedly , the traveller upon it is confronted by a scene that demands instant attention and dispels all else from his mind .
22 And then , quite suddenly and unwished , the thought : ‘ Wish I had n't come back . ’
23 Shelley was laughing now , feeling that ease that happened more frequently these days , the ease that came when they were together and became , quite suddenly and pleasantly , totally relaxed with each other .
24 All the actors interviewed seemed to feel , and state quite naturally and simply that there was really nothing else for them to do but act .
25 It is what children do quite naturally and in many under-developed countries people carry on doing it into old age .
26 His whole body spoke a subtle language of command ; something that had developed quite naturally and unconsciously during the long years of his rule .
27 He frowned and chewed his lower lip quite naturally and Fenella , hardly daring to breathe , saw that the Robemaker appeared to be listening .
28 That was something to cheer Christmas 1945 , but not quite enough and in the new year I was back again , once more taking the No. 2 bus from Summertown to Carfax .
29 They were rather submissive-looking hands , as if they might be waiting , quite patiently and happily , until someone might need to make use of them .
30 Quite so and your reference to the window gives you the measure of the man . ’
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