Example sentences of "start [verb] his " in BNC.

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31 Patrick started to shake his head , when Dan Brady leaned over and glared at him .
32 Pat started to shake his head .
33 He spun round with both arms extended , and started to shake his hands vigorously .
34 He 'd begun from Inverness and started to work his way westward , around Beauly Firth and towards the forests of Corriehallie and Lochrosque .
35 One of the kids started winding his scarf around his head , mummifying himself .
36 A tranquillizer may help to reduce anxiety so that the person is better able to start tackling his problems , but the drug should only be used for a short time ( up to 2 weeks ) , and should be withdrawn once improvement in coping ability has begun to develop .
37 Giles Hawick , looking surprised , sat more easily in his chair and started to marshal his thoughts .
38 As the first years passed , and the courses of lectures did not have to be prepared out of nothing , he sat at the bay window in the sub-warden 's study , looking out towards the cathedral , and started to write his first book .
39 Then he swivelled round to a side-table and started to write his report .
40 In January 1867 he went to the Paris exhibition as horticultural correspondent for that weekly , as well as the Field and The Times , and started to write his first two books , Gleanings from French Gardens ( 1868 ) and The Parks , Promenades and Gardens of Paris ( 1869 ) .
41 Denis returned to his seat , but before he could frame a new approach Josh Cohen started to drum his fingers on the tea-chest , looking about him and nodding his head in a calculating manner .
42 From the other side of the road , Aziz the janitor , on his way to school , a sinister smile on his face , started to wave his mop in greeting .
43 And to her amazement Nails got up without a word , dived into the pool , came up alongside Hoomey and started correcting his stroke , bawling into his ear and galvanizing him into twice the effort .
44 There is clearly an element of dramatic self-consciousness here , just as there is in Duncan 's account of his affecting the symptoms of old age — " he even started to cup his hands at remarks he could hear perfectly well " .
45 Yuri soon started tapping his sock-clad feet in tune to the beat of the music , while one floor below several women in leotards went for the burn .
46 He seized a horrible pair of forceps and I closed my eyes as he started flexing his muscles .
47 He started to pick his way up the stairs , careful not to tread on any little fingers .
48 Stan started to sell his fossil finds to the museum and with the money he earned he was able to buy tools and a microscope which gave him a further insight into the subject .
49 Employed by the International Standard Electric Corporation in 1924–9 , Blumlein started to exhibit his extraordinary inventive flair .
50 Is n't it time he started acting his age ?
51 ‘ I was in this lesson and two or three of my mates were messing about , and I was sat across the other side of the classroom and someone chucked a piece of chalk at the teacher and then started shouting his mouth off .
52 A brief period of training using the manual provided with the program is all that is required for a manager to start developing his own models .
53 Aziz started to stroke his hair .
54 Then he started to slog his way through the field and , to the delight of the locals , collared Direct close home .
55 He was twenty-one — a man — and it was high time he started living his life to the full .
56 He started to sort his papers into a neat pile , putting some of them into a briefcase .
57 He started to unstrap his belt and then let his trousers fall to the floor .
58 Then , he started to replace his hands but Cassie twisted away from him , shaking her head as she did so .
59 His RCM contact tactfully pointed out that , unless he started to buy his own clothes out of his savings , he would not learn to be self-reliant .
60 Yesterday the president met congressmen during the day before making an evening television address to the nation to start selling his economic plan two days in advance .
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