Example sentences of "rather than [subord] " in BNC.

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1 It is better to learn that the candidate can not put a few words together before he/she joins the company rather than after he/she is employed .
2 ‘ But Oliver , ’ I said , trying to make some sense of the story , and also trying to make a bit of a joke of it at the same time , ‘ Is n't it traditional to give flowers to a girl when you arrive rather than after you 've left ? ’
3 The advantage of using the computer is that the answers are confirmed immediately rather than after the whole passage has been completed .
4 If the objective of a democratic legislature is to inform the public about issues , to let them know what pressure groups are saying and to allow the civil service to assess public reaction before rather than after the government is committed to a line of action , then pressure groups should address Parliament .
5 But on the other hand it 's just another part of the learning curve that these lads are having to go through the hard way — in international rugby rather than before they reach that level .
6 It is interesting that the Treasury was only willing to publish the White Paper in the autumn of each year after rather than before the hard decisions fur the third year had been taken , and made no commitment to publish the Medium Term Economic Assessment , actually refusing to do so in 1971 .
7 In Scotland there have been fatal aircraft accidents to private aircraft where the occupants were killed in their leisure time rather than while working in their normal occupation , and the procurator fiscal has decided not to take the matter on to the formal fatal accidents inquiry because he has satisfied himself that it was a matter of accidental death in an aircraft accident without suspicious circumstances .
8 This is seen as a shade different from the enforcement of a sentence as such ; and there can be a practical difference where , as is often the case , the enforcing State keeps the confiscated property rather than than transmitting it to the State in which the order was made .
9 Projects should be considered on their own merit , rather than whether or not they are politically acceptable to the government of the day .
10 The factor that decides whether a product can be prescribed is whether the product appears on the blacklist rather than whether it has a product licence .
11 This happens because marketing personnel are more concerned with what the customer desires , rather than whether it is practicable to give him what he desires .
12 Choices tend to be about when to implement a given policy rather than whether to implement it .
13 Indeed the EC has in the past been more concerned with the question of whether national aid programmes contravened its competition policy rather than whether its competition policy might have any adverse consequences for the regions of member nations .
14 Most of the disputes within the DUP can be understood better if they are seen as ‘ personality ’ clashes rather than if one attempts to find major ideological rifts .
15 If you ask medical staff how often they have seen someone die , rather than if they have been around at the time , surprisingly few will say they witnessed the actual event .
16 If it is true that verbal questions primarily engage the left hemisphere while spatial questions tap the functions of the right hemisphere , it might be predicted that responses to such questions will be optimal when the appropriate hemisphere is activated rather than if the opposite hemisphere is aroused .
17 Okay , so language would be much easier to learn if this hypothesis were true , rather than if it were not true .
18 Some pieces of work , on the other hand , require a lot of reading and study time during composition ; and for these you are likely to produce better work if you choose questions that genuinely interest you , or connect with problems you are in any case interested in outside your literary work , rather than if you feel your work is being done out of obligation or under duress .
19 And when you can be clear about what it is you want and be clear what it is they want you 've got more of a chance to get the solution to win win rather than if you 're just interested in your position and your side .
20 So how can you view the fact that somebody else is er , typing , or doing a transcript of er , what we 're actually saying on this tape , we should explain what grotting is , it 's most probably you know something that you do on a computer screen rather than if you look it up in the dictionary , what grotting actually means .
21 ‘ We are happy to legislate on something which is already happening in the game , in other words to make it legal for the hooker to strike as soon as the ball leaves the hands of the scrum-half — as happens in reality — rather than when it pitches .
22 People said that it was when his father died , rather than when his long suffering wife did , that George 's drink problem got out of control .
23 The general data presented by Cox are undeniable , but interpretation of the data rests on certain assumptions , principally that people act on an individualistic basis rather than as groups , and according to attitudes expressed in the quiet of their homes rather than in response to major events .
24 It is an abstract art , which we none the less consume as readers rather than as connoisseurs of pure form .
25 It was only at that point that we felt confident that the field-worker was being talked to by respondents as a person rather than as some novel sex object , and the veracity of what they said could be treated by us with more confidence .
26 Although he is a thoughtful person , who loves to put his ideas down on paper in the form of articles for such august publications as the Harvard Business Review , he suspects that labels are attached to management practices in hindsight rather than as objectives executives set out to master .
27 Nathan was intrigued by a polar bear trap used when the Norwegians saw the big white bear as target rather than as tourist attraction .
28 Very probably at least some of these patinated bronzes should be regarded as legitimate copies rather than as fakes , rather as today the British Museum produces and sells resin copies of some of the more famous antiquities .
29 If you want potatoes with your meal , cook them more often as boiled or jacket potatoes rather than as chips .
30 Rather than dropping his company 's commission bearing charge completely , he would have preferred to have reduced it and moved it from the front to the back end of his unit trusts — that is , charging investors as they leave the fund rather than as they enter .
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