Example sentences of "rather [subord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Following the defeat of the dump plan for Ovens , local residents began a campaign to force Raybestos to use a safe alternative raw material rather than asbestos in the factory .
2 1/ The author is making the point that there is no benefit for people in spending huge amounts of money creating something which has no practical use , and that this money would be far better allocated to essentials ie housing , food , water etc rather than luxuries like T.V.s , videos etc .
3 Where the head rent is a fraction of market rental value rather than rents receivable , slightly different problems may arise .
4 The majority of investment expenditure is on fixed capital formation rather than inventories and it is to this that we now turn .
5 The proposal had implications for personnel ; there would be a Grade 1 staff members heading up personnel rather than SMT member .
6 I seem to remember my Panini album once to my horror picturing Stewart rather than Harvey , with the blurb along the lines of ‘ looks set to make the 1st team spot his own ’ but I do n't think that ever happened .
7 The idea is to ensure that users , via Xtra , and the work groups , focus their efforts on real , achievable goals , rather than flights of fancy ( remember the calls for graphical user interface standards in 1990 ) .
8 Choose bath oils rather than bubble-baths .
9 A further refinement is that the Secretary of State ( through a panel of inspectors ) conducts an examination in public into the proposals , rather than adjudicates on objections in an appeal system .
10 He said Labour 's proposed end to support for the closed shop , rather than evidence of a changed attitude to Europe , was a piece of clever opportunism to get the party where it wanted to be .
11 the very existence of any examination at 16+ ( whether GCE , CSE or a unified examination or examination system ) as opposed to a series of assessments at the right stage of development for the individual pupil is questionable because firstly sixteen has already ceased to be the date for leaving education for the majority of pupils , secondly employers look increasingly to school recommendations , college course experience , and examination expectations rather than evidence of ‘ O ’ Level/CSE achievements , and thirdly the Universities and Higher Education look for and stipulate ‘ A ’ Level achievements rather than ‘ O ’ Level evidence .
12 However , these resemblances are probably ‘ convergences ’ , similarities acquired as the result of similar needs rather than evidence of a direct connection with true primates .
13 Thus local styles which bear some slight resemblance to a powerful foreign prototype may be written down as debased plagiarisms and classified as ‘ degenerate ’ forms or ‘ skeuomorphs ’ , rather than evidence of an indigenous tradition with its own distinct characteristics .
14 Are there sensible reasons for this , or is it another example of the way in which political expediency and manipulation , rather than evidence , are dictating the shape of welfare reform in the UK ?
15 It proved to be a period of strained relations with the English liberals , who were allies of the Irish party , but who were also in favour of bringing schooling more and more under state rather than church control ( Miller 1973 : 81–7 , 120–38 , 268–92 ) .
16 The research by Portes shows that the difference between the squatters and the urban population is one of degree rather than kind , the implication being that they are disadvantaged within the system , rather than being outside it .
17 Any difference is one of degree rather than kind .
18 In practice , many clergy found it as difficult to collect the full tithes as the Inland Revenue and Excise do their latter-day exactions ; increasingly the payments were commuted for cash rather than kind .
19 The distinction between task training and skill training is one of degree rather than kind .
20 Self-advocacy groups , particularly , have laid emphasis on potential to learn rather than status-quo labelling , and on differences between people , of degree rather than kind .
21 However , investors worried about the instability of the hotel market could be reassured with leases rather than management contracts , he said .
22 The Secretary of State remains answerable to Parliament and the everyday pressures of political life , concerned with services rather than management prerogatives .
23 They are concerned with purchasing care which promotes health rather than management of ill-health facilities .
24 More practical guidance , advice and support in those areas would be valuable particularly if it came from within librarianship rather than management science generally .
25 In the manufacturing manager 's own words : ‘ Development in the production environment meant that the operator would productionise machinery , and rather than management giving production parameters to the operators , the operators would to some extent give them to management .
26 The Isle of Wight SSD sees care management as a progression of practice rather than management , with care managers able to transfer back into social work posts .
27 This stresses the social needs of man , such as job relationships and response to work-group pressures rather than management control , replacing the older concept of motivation by rational personal economic needs only .
28 Is power disguised as stemming from the organisation rather than management at Burger King ?
29 The reason Newco is formed to make the acquisition , rather than management acquiring Target direct , is that the incorporation of the company facilitates the creation of gearing in the form of fixed-dividend preference shares ; various forms of debt security issued by Newco ; and bank borrowing , to enable Newco to acquire Target .
30 FEARS were expressed yesterday that safety plans for North Sea platforms may put too much emphasis on equipment and hardware , rather than management and human factors , which were shown to be a main contributory cause of the Piper Alpha disaster .
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