Example sentences of "fact that there " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the fact that there has been significant support for the alliance party over the last dozen years or so among the catholic middle classes , there is also a further factor .
2 The fact that there is no right time , he wrote , the fact that it is bound always to be too early or too late , that fact is little consolation .
3 Nonetheless , the fact that there have been up to a score of document leaks in the past month means the report is being given widespread credence .
4 Nonetheless , the fact that there have been up to a score of document leaks in the past month means the report is being given widespread credence .
5 Dead Certain 's win yet again brought home the fact that there is life after the Maktoums .
6 ‘ The fact that there is concern , is itself cause for concern , ’ Sir Claus said .
7 The fact that there were no projections for South West Water has fuelled speculation that this authority might be left out of the flotation process .
8 This latter intent is evidenced by the number of constables responsible for crime control in Protestant areas who see their role as also having social-welfare and community service dimensions , as illustrated in the last chapter , and , more significantly , by the fact that there are units in Easton specifically responsible for community policing in this largely Protestant district .
9 This is confirmed by the fact that there are very few serious statements about aid made by senior Africans on behalf of their country , or their region .
10 Equally damaging to the overall theory of the origin of the State is the fact that there seem to be examples of stateless societies with much less problematic classes .
11 Despite the assurances of the Director of his Department that he was favourably looked upon , and despite the fact that there was no doubt that at his office he was being treated with a subtle air of respect , nothing formal or official about his promotion had been announced ; and as he knew very well , a change of Directorship , a shift in Government economic policy , even a chill wind in international relations , could mean the end of his hopes .
12 Lewis was fully aware of the fact that there was a purely irrational intellectual snobbery abroad in England at that time , more powerful than any genuine intellectual stumbling-block to faith .
13 Yesterday 's events merely dramatised the fact that there can now be no certainty about the permanence of individuals , institutions or ideologies in present-day East Germany — not to mention other chunks of Eastern Europe .
14 That game was billed as football 's Armageddon and the fact that there was no trouble between rival fans in the Rheinstadion did not get in the way of a good hooligan story .
15 The judge went on : ‘ The fact that there is a difference in the figures between the settlement in the book action and the jury in the pamphlet action will not surprise anyone familiar with all the circumstances .
16 We have to face the fact that there is virtually no money which has a 100 per cent pure source . ’
17 I was aware of the fact that there had been what seemed like 20 people working in the office and then it was suddenly dwindling down to a skeleton staff .
18 It flows despite the fact that there is an insulating vacuum between the tip and the surface : thanks to the vagaries of quantum mechanics , electrons can ‘ tunnel ’ through the gap to produce a current .
19 The fact that there are misconceptions is , however , important in itself .
20 Well , that was all fine and dandy , except for the fact that there was n't one sign in clones for the Kilturk checkpoint .
21 They will not be led by preachers at their church to face up to the fact that there are four Gospels , that John is significantly different from the Synoptics , that the New Testament writers do not always speak with the same voice even on essential matters of faith .
22 Think of the fact that there are over three hundred member churches in the World Council of Churches !
23 This survey highlighted the fact that there were few centres of fascist support outside London , Manchester , Birmingham and Leeds — areas where there was a significant Jewish presence or where Mosley exerted some personal appeal .
24 But one should not ignore the fact that there were many Catholics who found themselves opposing Franco because of their support for the independence movements .
25 It was confused , slow to change — a factor amplified by the fact that there was no party conference between October 1937 and May 1939 — and deliberately hostile to the idea of working with other anti-fascist groups .
26 The fact that there was a clear male-female hierarchy at work within the sacrificial procedure was not unknown to or unappreciated by the ancients .
27 The large proportion — estimated at forty per cent — of the marchers who were under twenty-one sang ‘ Ban , ban , ban the bloody H-Bomb ’ ( to the tune of ‘ John Brown 's Body ’ ) or ‘ When the Saints Go Marching In ’ and welcomed the fact that there was something different to do for Easter .
28 That there is no popular opposition is testimony not only to how successful they have been , but also to the fact that there appears to be simply no desirable alternative : the British just do not like their politicians enough to want them made head of state .
29 If the contras could be neither saints nor crack troops , their appeal had to lie in romantic desperation : the ‘ fact ’ that they had been forced into exile , like the ‘ little old lady ’ with her hair in a bun and her dress ‘ held together by safety pins and string ’ whom Owen had met in a camp in Honduras ; the ‘ fact ’ that the soldiers were without food or uniforms , their hospitals nothing but hen-coops , lacking even mosquito netting ; the fact that there was never enough money for anything .
30 Thus anatomy may reflect the fact that there are only a few ways in which some engineering problem can be solved .
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