Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] even " in BNC.

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1 There was no point in trying to invent a story , because under these circumstances no made-up story could begin to sound even remotely plausible .
2 Venables could only shake his head , and you wonder now whether he will begin to exert even more influence on the playing side of things at Tottenham .
3 ‘ The blows life deals you make you stronger ; but there comes a time when , if the blows do not stop , they begin to weaken even the strongest . ’
4 One path to go down might begin from the priority the Council had given to its knowledge of the particular institutions : ‘ it seems that we should now begin to build even more positively on this and consider a move in which certain institutions were granted particular responsibilities … the academic board in an experienced institution engaging in work of high quality should be authorized by the Council to reach decisions in defined areas ’ , and within understood frameworks of report and action .
5 The child will then begin to make even more demands and the parent may become punitive in order to stop the demands .
6 We did n't make Abisko , chickening out as the weather worsened and the forecasts began to sound even more dire .
7 Yet it would seem that , in the latter half of the eighteenth century , the movement of thought which generated the idealistic rhetoric of the American and French revolutions began to affect even the Roman Catholic Church .
8 We have demonstrated in various publications ( for example , J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1978 ) that in the inner city there is a change in progress moving from front values of /a/ towards back values , beginning to affect even those environments that were formerly always front ( for example pre-voiceless stop environments , as in map , that ) .
9 THE recession is beginning to affect even children , says a new survey .
10 Later John began to worry even about that idea :
11 And now Miss Honey 's hopes began to expand even further .
12 It was beginning to fail even then . ’
13 She shifted the weight of his arm from her shoulders and began urging him towards the front door before his fabrications began to get even more elaborate .
14 By the last years of the period there were indications that anti-militarist ideas were beginning to influence even the policies of a few important statesmen — Turgot , Vergennes , possibly the younger Pitt .
15 Reg 's confidence with Pam 's love began to melt even my frigid soul .
16 Relations between the Catholic Church and the new regime had begun to deteriorate even before the constitutional debate opened .
17 His political position in the USA had , however , begun to weaken even before he set out for Paris .
18 Popular unrest had begun to develop even before his death — commissions were appointed to investigate insurrections in Kent on 2 February and in Surrey on 11 April , and a London chronicle tells of the arrest and execution , at an unspecified date , of a rebel leader known as Bluebeard. ( 7 ; 22 , p.158 ) By the end of May the Kentishmen were marching on London , in June there was a skirmish with royal forces , and they presented a formal complaint of their grievances .
19 But personal growth is also shown here as the character of Pip begins to change even before he was given the money and it continues to change after all the money is gone .
20 IT is , I am reliably informed by one whose manners are of the best , perfectly correct when served dinner to begin to eat even if table companions have not yet been served .
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