Example sentences of "although this have " in BNC.

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1 Although this had initially been rejected out of hand by Clasper , he had been left in no doubt that his members would hold their own mass meeting without him if he chose not to call it .
2 Although this had begun as a joint Anglo-French operation , Britain had withdrawn her forces , leaving the French either to carry on alone or to withdraw .
3 The higher income of married couples and men living alone was the combined result of the continued involvement of men in the labour market after the statutory retirement age , although this had decreased sharply over the previous few years , and of the receipt of occupational pensions .
4 Indeed , this had not gone unnoticed by those on the governing body as one person remarked that she ‘ had the clenched fist on the side of the car ’ although this had not been mentioned at the interview .
5 I read The Second Sex and A Room of One 's Own at the same age , and thought of myself as a feminist , although this had to remain a privately held conviction for several years more .
6 Although this had a complex rationale , there is no question that one motive behind it was a desire to reassert a largely factitious national identity — the ‘ imagined community ’ of nationhood that is supposed to transcend all inequalities , oppressions and exploitation ( Anderson , 1983 ) .
7 Although this had been suggested many times before , Stuart was the first to succeed , and his work shaped the future of the extension system .
8 We also established that a similar sum had been paid in through our Strangeways Branch although this had not caused any alarm .
9 Sergeant Henley prided herself on her power to prise out information by a mixture of persuasion and light bullying like the icing on a cake , and although this had never worked particularly well with Roxie in the past , this was no reason not to try it now .
10 The study revealed that growth of Asian businesses was confined to few areas and , although this had been rapid during the 1970s , it had been declining recently .
11 Gorbachev ordered Chief of Staff Gen. Mikhail Moiseyev to withdraw troops to barracks , although this had already been done .
12 The aspect most criticized , in the view of the head and the teachers I spoke to , was multicultural education , although this had been expected .
13 There has also been a proposal to increase the term of copyright to the life of the author plus 70 years , although this had been subject to some controversy within the EC .
14 He denied angrily that he had ever sought compensation of up to £1m ‘ although this has been a very expensive operation ’ , adding : ‘ I could have proceeded had I been totally selfish for there were several options on the table , financially very attractive . ’
15 NME , for instance , has always included substantial coverage of black popular forms — soul , reggae , hip-hop — although this has not always met with their readers ' approval .
16 Although this has a militant reputation , the abbess is a Chinese appointee and nuns have been known to climb out of windows to take part in the demonstrations .
17 It was generally believed that there was some animosity between ‘ Lenny ’ and Herbert von Karajan , although this has never been shown to be true , so the atmosphere in the Philharmonie was electric .
18 Between 1986 and 1990 the UK deficit with Germany rose by over £1 billion , although this has temporarily improved .
19 As well as the Lewisian orthogneisses described above , several outcrops of metamorphic rocks occur which were undoubtedly derived from sedimentary rocks , and the old term paragneiss has been used to describe these , although this has now been superseded by the simpler term metasediments .
20 The wheel pit still exists although this has now been concreted up to the level of the existing floor .
21 Although this has generally happened in the energy-importing less developed countries ( LDCs ) , in many of the energy-exporting LDCs it has not .
22 There has tended to be an increase in confidence within IIAs , although this has rarely been matched by increasing private-sector investment .
23 Although this has been relatively under explored by economists ( Labelle , 1987 ) , presumably those providers concentrating on certain clinical services may be able to agree large contracts at a lower implied unit price .
24 It may also be worth trying a herbal tea , called taheebo or pau d'arco — it is said to have anti-fungal properties , although this has not been verified scientifically .
25 However , increasing congestion in the airspace over southern England may alter the balance of advantage although this has yet to have much impact on scheduled flights .
26 Acts of the old Scottish Parliament were apparently ( although this has been questioned ) subject to the doctrine of desuetude and that Parliament was thus not sovereign at least to the extent that its Acts could lose force otherwise than by repeal by it .
27 Much of the perched loose rock in this area has been cleared off ( probably 30 tonnes or so ) although this has left a largish patch of newly exposed rock surface .
28 This is not always the case , though — I once had a kestrel that I 'd decided from its plumage was a male and it turned out to be a female , and although this has never happened to me with a barn owl , I know people who 've made that mistake .
29 The look-up speed should be similar to the trie ( although this has not yet been established ) , but build times are much greater , especially for larger lexicons ( for example 5,705 words takes approximately 10 minutes to build , but 68,856 words takes just over 11 hours 3 ) .
30 Somewhat interestingly , no exact passenger figures were detailed in the 1991 DVR report and accounts although this has always been shown in previous years .
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