Example sentences of "although it can " in BNC.

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1 Although it can be very tempting to splash out on the first splendid specimen that catches your eye , you might be surprised at what you can find once you really start looking .
2 All forms of the disease begin as tuberculosis of the lung although it can affect other organs including the membranes encasing the brain and spinal cord , the bones , joints and kidneys .
3 Although it can take a panoply of four-dimensional shapes , Dr Tipler prefers it to be a single point ; in the manner of the 20th-century Catholic evolutionist and mystic , Teilhard de Chardin , he calls it the omega point .
4 With 15 to 20 per cent of tin or more , the alloy becomes brittle and almost unworkable , although it can still be cast to shape , and as more tin is added it becomes whiter in colour .
5 Knill said that without such commissioned research ‘ there would be a massive depletion in environmental research in this country ’ , although it can distract the scientists .
6 The position I have tried to adopt is that whilst the atheist must demand clarity , the theist can argue that the nature of his or her task necessitates a use of language that is bound to be criticised as unusual , although it can not be allowed to be contradictory .
7 Apart from the disinfection role a sterilising sink has a useful secondary role in providing heated soaking facilities for heavily soiled small equipment although it can not be used for both roles at the same time .
8 It is mainly inherited , although it can be learned at a very early age in the nest .
9 Although it can be as profuse as a gonococcal discharge , it is sometimes only seen first thing in the morning before urine has been passed .
10 It used to be considered a deformity in other breeds and led to automatic culling , but in several continental breeds it is now selected for , although it can lead to problems in calving and perhaps fertility .
11 It is not a question of being frightened of the dark ( although it can be pretty spooky on an out-of-the-way water ) , it is because I enjoy good company and a long night becomes more enjoyable with someone there to chat with ; to share the pleasure of catching big fish , or the lesser pleasure of blanking .
12 Thirdly , thorough cooking and rapid cooking will usually destroy pathogens although it can not be relied on to destroy spores or preformed toxins .
13 It is a little difficult to explain why the 1 January method superseded 25 March as the start of the historical year , although it can be shown that it was in ordinary use early in the eighteenth century , as witness such as ‘ A True and Perfect Inventory of the Goods and Chattells of John Green Deceased the eight day of January 1713/14 ’ .
14 Partly arising from this , and partly because of the lack of difference found between many predator species , the crude measure of skeletal element proportions is not diagnostic , although it can still provide an approximation of the overall structure of the bone assemblage .
15 Because of its protein content Simplesse can not be used for deep fat frying , although it can be used in some cooking applications — the cream can be used to make sauces or the cheese to make pizza or lasagne , but both these products are only available in the US at the moment .
16 The degree of confusion usually reduces with the passage of time , although it can be heightened at any point in life as a result of threat or adversity .
17 Although it can be responsible for a variety of illnesses , it is actually essential for health .
18 Although it can hardly be described as state-of-the-art software , it 's still worth a look .
19 This , in the amounts we expect , is harmless to the fish , but it encourages algae , in particular the unicellular organism which causes green water , although it can also be caused by overfeeding .
20 It is best made at the last possible moment , although it can be kept warm for a short time in a bowl set over a pan of hot water .
21 All the rotaries , as with any noise gate , take a little time to get into using and effective gating comes about through practice , although it can at times appear something of a black art .
22 After all , although it can be inconvenient if one is frightened of swimming pools or beaches , they are both situations which can be avoided .
23 John Smith may prove to be the man to give Labour its best chance in a 1996 general election ( although it can not be good to have had him all but enthroned as leader before the leadership contest was even underway ) .
24 The income is generally paid annually in arrears — this is the rate quoted in this article — although it can be paid more frequently at a lower rate .
25 ‘ How would I feel in these circumstances ? ’ is not a bad beginning , although it can not be an ending .
26 But although it can be very frustrating when you 've done your homework and somebody pulls out , it does n't alarm me .
27 They amount to an inducement to encourage employees to accept overseas postings although it can be argued that they do offset the additional costs which may be incurred through unfamiliarity with customs , language and general way of life .
28 France are the only member of the Five Nations to accept an invitation , although it can be expected to see a number of England 's high-order in the Barbarians side and Irish charm amongst the Irish Wolfhounds .
29 They seem to have difficulty in transferring from the junior to the senior game and get disheartened and take up coaching although it can be seen that British players do not start getting their best results until their mid-twenties and beyond .
30 Visual handicap is not going to elicit a common response to situations although it can impose some shared problems .
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