Example sentences of "about a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the Dutch airline has had to agree to reduce its $400m investment in NorthWest to about $175m , or about a quarter of the equity involved in the takeover being led by Los Angeles businessman Al Checchi .
2 Though 130,000 passports represent only about a quarter of Macao 's population , most recipients are the professionals and businessmen who make up the backbone of the enclave economy .
3 About a quarter thought the BBC was biased in its treatment of the Conservative government ; rather less felt it was biased in its treatment of other parties .
4 Our survey panel shows that about a quarter of the electorate thought BBC-TV news was biased in its treatment of the Conservative government , though rather less felt it was biased in its treatment of other parties .
5 The actual pension that was to be provided , about a quarter of average earnings , was rather modest in comparison to the pensions provided in most other Western European states .
6 Take it away and bring me about a quarter of it . ’
7 It is estimated that the worm population in the average herbaceous garden is about a quarter of a million per hectare , which is roughly a hundred thousand per acre .
8 Lastly , put some dry leaves and grasses into the box , filling it about a quarter full .
9 The songs are carefully arranged , played with the anonymous perfection we 've come to expect from people like the Floyd , and last about a quarter of an hour .
10 With real mortgage rates on extra borrowing normally between 4 and 5 per cent , it is quite plausible that about a quarter to a third of the value of housing equity — estimated at £830billion at end-1987 — could be due to deregulation .
11 The ten privatised water authorities have lifted their prices by just under 13% ; the 29 statutory water companies ( which have always been in the private sector and supply water , but not sewage services , to about a quarter of the population of England and Wales ) have increased theirs by over 15% .
12 The number of people aged 16 to 19 will fall by about a quarter by 1994 .
13 At the end of the second year there is a stiff examination that knocks out about a quarter of the students .
14 They have about a quarter of the seats in the Russian parliament .
15 Altogether , these groups account for about a quarter of all sales by Japanese firms .
16 The Docks Board was the biggest company in the ports industry and with its Southampton operations and its Humber and South Wales ports had secured about a quarter of the market .
17 In addition it was suggested that only about a quarter of the earlier sample of women had used birth control methods other than withdrawal compared with 57 per cent of the latter group .
18 The first is that the Wall Street Crash of October and November 1929 , and the economic impact which it exerted upon the world markets , increased unemployment to three millions , about a quarter of the workforce , and created the financial problems which Philip Snowden faced in trying to balance the budget in 1931 .
19 Cut out about a quarter of the old bare wood from established trees by shortening some branches back to suitable side branches and severing others at the base .
20 Lipton believes about a quarter of London 's empty space will have to be reconverted into either light industrial use , studios or housing .
21 International donors have delivered only about a quarter of the 200,000 tons of promised food aid — a fraction of the million tons the country needs .
22 Repairing electric motors is hardly a growth business ( British Coal is not the only customer in long-term decline ) and Dowding already has about a quarter of the market .
23 All told , 22 ministers — about a quarter of the Government — have been replaced , either as a result of their own decision to stand down , losing their seats in Thursday 's general election or being asked by Mr Major to relinquish their posts .
24 Some counties — such as Oxfordshire , where competition is tough — turn down about a quarter of applicants , although others have a higher acceptance rate .
25 Of the part-time tutors , about a quarter were local schoolmasters , and there were also a number of parish clergy , local government officers and retired professional people ; only two of those so far booked for courses were women , although when the programme was finalised there were three .
26 This is in line with the industry 's contribution of about a quarter of the ‘ Gross Highland product ’ .
27 The new 715 Dosimat offers high accuracy dispensing and the possibility of using modern exchange units with flat ceramic stopcocks , at about a quarter of the price of the 665 .
28 July 1749 , Hogarth acquired the Copyhold of a red brick villa , of the Queen Anne style , with a garden of about a quarter of an acre containing an old mulberry tree , not far from Chiswick House , and it became known as Hogarth House , and the lane by which it was approached became known as Hogarth Lane — now part of the Great West Road Extension ( A4 ) into central London .
29 Imaz found that about a quarter of the Argentine industrial elite , at a time when industrialisation was getting well under way , were self-made men from neither middle- nor upper-class backgrounds ( Imaz 1964 ) .
30 This site is about a quarter of mile along the modern Hinton Road .
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