Example sentences of "four time [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 She was reminded again of that other time — of hands , cruel and insistent , travelling over her body ; of a man four times her age who in one brutal movement had stolen , as if by right , both her maidenhead and her innocence .
2 She asked for news of Robin and Jenny , and Aunt Sarah launched into an ironic description of how a Japanese tourist half Jenny 's size and four times her age had proposed marriage to her ( ’ At least I hope it was marriage ’ ) , and how Robin had got locked overnight in the bar of the hotel where he was working and had taken two days to sleep it off ; and gradually Ruth fought down her feelings .
3 A year and a half ago , Hotspur thought , this fierce faun was surely no more than seventeen years old , and married off , like many another , to an old miser three or four times her age , for the sake of a noble name and a set of paltry quarterings , and the hope of a grandson set up in the landed estate .
4 In any 10-year period managers should only be granted options on shares worth up to four times their annual earnings .
5 In order to porpoise , baleen whales must reach four times their normal cruising speed — probably beyond their capabilities .
6 The majority of vehicles pounding the British countryside produce four times their own weight in carbon dioxide every year .
7 Elsewhere in the sale four ‘ vortographs ’ — formal studies of fractured light produced by an assemblage of mirrors placed between the subject and the lens — by Alvin Langdon Coburn made £268,400 in total , nearly four times their estimate .
8 Good luck , a close fist , and administrative skills pushed the land revenues up to £42,000 per annum by 1509 , about four times their level in 1433 .
9 In the late eighties , this could mean almost unlimited credit , in some cases the facility to borrow as much as four times their annual income to buy a house .
10 ‘ A thousand pounds , which is four times their value and I had an advertisement in all the golfing magazines . ’
11 Oh god they 're not very good who had an I Q four times their breast size ?
12 One of the questions that does spring to mind is which of these three people have an I Q er four times their chest size , is it A I ca n't remember the woman , erm with a thirty two inch chest B I ca n't remember , Jane Mansfield with a forty three inch chest
13 WALES now has a record 11.2 million sheep — more than four times its human population — a new census reveals .
14 The factory has expanded to four times its original size and has become a showpiece of British industry .
15 In order to survive , the goldfish must consume at least four times its body weight every hour .
16 Control of population growth is important for economic and social progress in developing countries but whether the world 's population will reach two , three , or four times its present size before it stabilises will depend very much on the rate of fertility decline in this decade , says a report from Population Action International .
17 That in probability the next doubling of the people of England will be in about 600 years to come , or by the year of our Lord 2300 ; at which time it will have eleven millions of people ; but , that the next doubling after that , will not be ( in all probability ) in less than 12 or 1300 years more , or by the year of our Lord 3500 or 3600 ; at which time the kingdom will have 22 millions of souls , or four times its present number , in case the world should last so long ,
18 Each individual 's participation will be limited so that the aggregate price payable on the exercise of all options granted to him under the Scheme in any ten year period ( but leaving out of account options which have been exercised ) will not exceed four times his annual remuneration .
19 Before any options are granted to replace those which have already been exercised and which would result in the total value of options granted to an individual under the Scheme ( including options which have been exercised ) exceeding four times his annual remuneration , the Committee will satisfy itself that the grant of such options is justified by the performance of the Company in the previous two to three years .
20 Larry Hagman haggled almost four times his own fee to re-enrol after the ( un-mortal ) shooting .
21 He is in the 100 kilogramme class and has lifted nearly four times his own weight .
22 The lump sum paid on your death in service can be as much as four times your earnings , and is usually paid at the discretion of the scheme trustees .
23 You and your horsemen will be facing four times your numbers by the time the foot-army from Leven has joined up with the eleven hundred from the ships .
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