Example sentences of "end of his " in BNC.

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1 Through all the turnings of his thoughts one image dogged him — Colberg 's face , so sharply carved , his eyes a wee bit slanting at the corners , his nostrils cut on a long shallow curve , his forehead not rounded but angled above the glossy black hairs at the outside ends of his eyebrows .
2 Once the students , not without glee , watched him celebrating the sacrament with the ends of his back braces protruding out of the top of his vestment .
3 He paused beneath the gas jet on the second landing , licked his fingers and tucked the ends of his fine dark hair behind his ears .
4 However , even when the dinner was over , their ‘ guests ’ showed no sign of leaving , at which point the Emperor began to pull on the ends of his moustache — one of the few signs of irritation he ever allowed himself .
5 It certainly seemed as though he was tying up all the loose ends of his life .
6 As Broom-Parker attempted to struggle to his feet , she leant forward and tweaked both ends of his moustache .
7 ‘ The [ financier ] , wrote Angell , ‘ has no country , and he knows , if he be of the modern type , that arms and conquests and jugglery with frontiers serve no ends of his … ’ .
8 Because as I ask him some question about women , wine or wit Dudley Moore is busy chewing his nails until they might well bleed , it does n't seem too rude to mention the ends of his fingertips .
9 By saying this a I appear to inflict on his person a kind of mineral water torture : he twitches and tics , fusses and winks , and the bruised ends of his finger tips madly tempt him .
10 The Profitboss concentrates on the real ends of his business .
11 He looked at his eyes and his ears and his teeth and his droppings and the ends of his claws and he inquired what he had been eating .
12 ‘ Stuff and nonsense , ’ Captain Simcox muttered to himself as he threw back his head , downed the last of his whiskey and dried the ends of his thick red moustache with finger and thumb .
13 The part-braided ends of his long hair escaped from the busy fingers which were engaged in their intricate task .
14 The elder of the body slaves gathered the braided ends of his master 's hair and bound them together with gold wire .
15 Like Alexei , he had nails on the ends of his fingers instead of talons , and he stared at Alexei 's hands as he gave him a filled cup , then raised his eyes and bowed solemnly .
16 He stood smiling , licking his own with relish , and wiping the ends of his moustaches where the ice dung to them , and you and Lucia , befuddled from your interrupted sleep echoed his gurgles and grunts of pleasure at the taste ; he 'd brought back a tub , filled with a variety of ice creams : ‘ A macedonia ! ’ he 'd call out , a fruit salad of ices .
17 His head hissed as the burning ends of his rat-tails went out .
18 His liquid eyes were sorrowful and the ends of his moustache drooped .
19 Emptying his mind of everything except an awareness of the Presence of his Creator , Father Kipling enfolded the stem of the monstrance in the ends of his humeral veil , and held it high , and made with it the Sign of the Cross in the air .
20 A slight smile quivered the ends of his mouth , and if one eye looked slightly more narrow than the other there was n't much obvious bruising .
21 who winds the grizzled ends of his moustache
22 The breeze rattled Eochaid 's springing black hair over his ears and pulled at the ends of his lashes .
23 ‘ I do n't want to go anywhere , ’ she murmured , sucking the ends of his fingers under the covers .
24 The words drew on his memory of a secret meeting he had gone to at the end of his first year in Glasgow .
25 Quite apart from his business acumen ( by the end of his commercial life he was the head of the largest clothing manufacturers — which his father had acquired earlier , originally named Freedmans — in the British dominions , as well as chairman or president of the most important trade bodies related to that industry ) he held very senior positions in such organisations as the Baron de Hirsch Institute , the Montreal Reform Club , the Montefiore Club , the Montreal Insurance Co , the Jewish Public Library , the Hebrew Educational Institute , the Canadian Jewish Committee for the Relief of War Sufferers in Europe , the Executive of the Canadian Jewish Congress , the Canadian Colonisation Committee , the Zion Athletic Club , the Zionist Organisation of Canada , and many , many more .
26 Towards the end of his life Petipa made much more use of demi-caractère elements in his work and strengthened the characteristics of the steps he used .
27 Lemminkainen was able to weave and cast spells to win his way through to the end of his journey .
28 Raymond Tallis expands the charge , towards the end of his long negative analysis of Derrida 's thought :
29 Indeed , he brings his own delicately poised irony to bear at the end of his book when he writes ,
30 For Prothero is the demon-king of the Poundian pantomime , ever since Pound cast him for this role by printing , at the end of his essay on De Gourmont — originally in the Little Review , then in Instigations ( 1920 ) — the letter which Prothero wrote him in October 1914 :
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