Example sentences of "really is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I have not attempted to use quantitative techniques or ( with one exception ) statistical analyses , believing that the close inspection of conversational data can tell us more about what " London Jamaican " really is than any quantitative approach .
2 You know what I mean , that is down to the individual really is that er that they should actually find out and i , that needs to be highlighted to all
3 It 's , all this is showing really is that when we do multiplication normally , you see if you , if you 've done this sort of multiplication , you 've seen the pattern and how things are working and how you 're not , someone says to you multiply erm seventeen by a hundred and one .
4 Er the other point I would make about the the figures under H One , really is that erm the twelve thirty figures that you 've seen in the tables is our best estimate at the present time , based on the site survey we 've carried out .
5 So the only point on I five that I would er ask for clarification on really is that the policy be amended to clarify that the actual provision in the city be thre be thirty three hectares
6 Okay so you said that the most important concern really is that you have some money for your daughter 's future
7 So what we 're saying is really is that the defi definition and the role of local government should have been debated I think from starters .
8 It 's meaningful and you may not , as I say , come out with any single and simple answer , in fact my own view really is that there 's large area over which it does n't matter very much .
9 Surprisingly , astronomers have only a vague idea of how big the Universe really is because of uncertainties in their ‘ cosmological distance scale ’ .
10 Being aggressive is just as bad as being submissive it really is because people swing to one side you know it some people are very good at being aggressive and are very good at diving in and getting their own way and just ju by being aggressive it 's naturally aggressive .
11 Yes , I mean , misgivings really is because I 'm not within my area you know .
12 We do perceive snow as being cold and white in itself ; but since our doing so is a result of the texture of primary-quality corpuscles , there is no need to suppose snow really is as we perceive it .
13 It really is cos
14 The West , in contrast , pretends that social planning is more central to its ideology than it really is and fails to support many of those who , for whatever reason , lose out on the benefits of the system .
15 For some strange optical reason this makes it look bigger than it really is and it has been argued that this illusion would have the effect of making an attacking lion misjudge its leap , striking short of the true position of the prey .
16 Nevertheless the foregoing does express the nature of the situation as it really is and people should be very well aware of it before they decide to start a family or indulge in sexual activity likely to produce a child .
17 Spadefoot toads have a number of anti-predator tactics , one of which is to inflate the lungs and hence the body , which may fool the snake into thinking the toad is larger than it really is and act as a deterrent .
18 A short talk about what meditation really is and how it relates to the transformation of self , concentrating on meditation on awareness of breath and body .
19 ‘ [ Just as ] feminism identifies interrelatedness and mutuality-equal , respectful , and nurturing relationships — as the basis of the world as it really is and as it ought to be , we can find no better understanding and image of the divine than that of the perfect and open relationships of love .
20 An appreciation of these complexities will indicate how involved and unexplored the phenomenon of deixis really is and how the philosophical approaches to indexicals can handle only a small proportion of these problems .
21 Really is and even crapper .
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