Example sentences of "hold her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She holds her novel like a hymnal .
2 The female bot fly holds her eggs in her oviduct until they have hatched into maggots .
3 She holds her head erect , her red-gold curls like a torch burning in the grey , misty atmosphere .
4 STEELY determination not to be dominated by her husband shows in the way Diana holds her head high .
5 To exhausted to comfort him , Syleyma holds her head in her hands and surveys her dying family .
6 ‘ I 've just about heard of her , but I could tell she 's famous , just by the way she sits and holds her head and moves . ’
7 She holds her hat on her head with one hand .
8 For this reason , instead of joining in the stampede for the latest and newest , I suggest it would be more prudent to wait for a year or two to see if the strawberry blonde holds her place as a glamour queen , or in reality is a blowzy old dame hobbling into the has-beens in the back row of the chorus , where she will find plenty to keep her company .
9 Midge holds her son and her daughter-in-law by cupboard love , having become an excellent cook — ironically , her husband abandoned her in part because the food was so bad .
10 The prettiest child in the first year holds her train , the Daughters of Mary , their medals on red cords around their necks , toss rose petals in front of the chaplain bearing his god-burden , hands wrapped in tangerine brocade , under a canopy with lurching gold fringes .
11 Old Man with a Child has a little girl facing a seated old man who holds her hands , and in Old Man Holding an Infant the tiny baby is being cradled by a bald old man with bushy white side-whiskers .
12 She made a fuss of every boat that approached her and mixed with all bathers on the beach , allowing them to pet her , hold her tail , and ride on her back .
13 I go around to her front and hold her arms to her side .
14 When prompted not to talk to Mary but just stand behind her and hold her shoulder it was evident how difficult the mother found this procedure .
15 I stop a bit and hold her head in my hands .
16 The ‘ helpful advice ’ after the child was born , however , did get a little wearing : ‘ Hold her head up ! ’
17 If your child does something you do not like , such as losing her temper too easily , you may increase her ability to think first and hold her temper by penalizing her consistently for failing to do so ; in this way you are providing an ‘ incentive ’ for her efforts to keep her cool .
18 You can always red circle that salary at a later date and hold her increases down against other people .
19 Perhaps she rather hoped he would say , ‘ I 'm not a shit , am I ? ’ and hold her hand .
20 Siobhan Coulson , 25 , of Davyhulme , Manchester , told the industrial tribunal how Doctor Ettore Flore tried to kiss her and hold her hand while on a business trip in The Gambia .
21 When she 's crying with pain for something like a migraine headache , I just sit in the dark with her and hold her hand .
22 You know , hold her hand and cheer her up a bit .
23 She let Maxim hold her hand for a moment , then swept regally past and merged herself carefully with one of the big chairs .
24 At one time he , he lived at , they lived at but er er she was a widow and she was ninety but she was very good to us and , but we had er , we had apartments but there was a lock on both sides of the door , you know what I mean , we were quite self-contained and we had er er a narrow stairs and because of the war I could n't , you could n't er , I used to scrub the stairs down because you could n't buy carpet in those days , you see because of the war and to the shortage of stuff and so I used to keep those stairs nice and , we had a , a , we went , as we went up these stairs erm it , I suppose originally , you see , it would have been back stairs for the servants , you see , in the hall and this old lady used to go in and if ever she had the doctor she used to ask me if I would go and sit with her and hold her hand while the doctor came , you see .
25 I hold her hand .
26 If he did as you say , he would have calculated what she would do : when he did n't go in to her and hold her hand she would go and tap on his door , because he never entered the house without visiting her , wherever she was .
27 Hold her hand .
28 ‘ Have you never heard of the Geimhreadh 's pincer hands that hold her victim 's phallus in place and have you never heard of her darting pronged tongue that licks and pierces into the shaft of her victim 's phallus ? ’ said the Robemaker , softly and insinuatingly .
29 Then I sort of hold her hands tight while she rocks back and forward on the bed .
30 Carla would curl up on his lap and hold her hands over her ears desperately trying to block out their arguing .
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