Example sentences of "other ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Behind him were a crowd of men and horses ; Hearthwares in full armour , their breaths steaming in the coolness of the morning , Myrcans standing impassively , indifferent to the cold but nodding to Isay as he approached , and a pair of pack mules trying to bite each other 's manes .
2 Find another two people to be prayer partners with you once a week so that some of these prayer burdens can be shared and agreed on and so that you can be spurred on by each other 's zeal in prayer .
3 More sophisticated models would also include misperceptions of strategies ( not just of preferences ) , and hence the issue of how each side interprets the other 's actions .
4 It is , perhaps , rather artificial to interpret character " development " almost exclusively in terms of that character 's own behaviour and motivation and to ignore the influence of other 's actions and statements .
5 These countries once welcomed only each other 's goods , while imports from non-members were severely discouraged .
6 In what was described as an extension of the cross-border trade agreement signed in October 1988 [ see p. 36870 ] , the Far Eastern Economic Review reported on Dec. 21 that Myanma and China 's Yunnan province had agreed to open department stores to market each other 's goods , to market Chinese goods in Myanma , to promote tourism and to form joint ventures to mine tin and market coal in Myanma 's Shan and Kachin states respectively .
7 Would you kindly write your press releases on a sheet of this paper , if you can bear to do this , so that we can pin them up on the wall and we can walk around and see each other 's press releases and this 'll be a good way of actually discussing them , I think .
8 The two sides undertook to respect each other 's sovereignty and territorial integrity and not to assert any territorial claims against each other in the future .
9 Georgia and Azerbaijan signed a co-operation treaty on July 12 , recognising each other 's sovereignty and the principle of non-interference .
10 Popularly called the " Milovy agreement " ( after the location of the commission 's meetings ) , the document declared that the peoples of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic " recognize each other 's sovereignty " and that " we express our will to live in a common state " .
11 I have known couples take pride in one another 's tawdry behaviour : each pursuing the other 's folly , the other 's vanity , the other 's weakness .
12 The support from one 's functional colleagues requires first of all a high degree of mutuality of respect for each other 's expertise and a shared acceptance of the objective that you are trying to achieve .
13 The important feature of both initiatives was that people who normally work independently from each other and who shared a common vision and interest , were brought together also to share and benefit from each other 's expertise .
14 Whenever one of the family is seen responding to their dog 's demands , he or she must pay 10p ( or 50p if you really want to see motivation at work ! ) into the other 's boxes .
15 The belief that the Masai were loyal followed from the belief that the Masai and the British were capable of appreciating each other 's qualities .
16 So if your relationship breaks down you can not be charged each other 's Poll Tax bills , even if you are still living in the same house .
17 It has been argued also that if the president and the Congress are to work well together , each branch must respect the other 's legitimacy and competence ; however , Nixon and his aides made no pretence of granting that much to the legislature .
18 As a child he had played a game with some of his friends where one child would stand behind another and put his hands round the other 's chest .
19 " We get on very well with our neighbours , " Michael explained , " and we decided that we 'd like to be able to look into each other 's gardens .
20 It was Verhencamp who discovered the truth — female anis throw each other 's eggs out of the nest .
21 Elizabeth and I used with amusement to look at each other 's horoscope in the newspapers , but without credulity : I explained to her that even if one believed in astrology they must be regarded as nonsense , being entirely unscientific and paying no attention to the hour of birth and therefore to the ‘ rising sign ’ .
22 Glancing round at the noisy throng , Ellie observed helpfully , ‘ I expect they find each other 's groups more interesting . ’
23 I am arguing that a common ground exists between theists and atheists , where each exchanges different interpretations of reality and understands each other 's views .
24 We had never worked together , but we had been in and out of each other 's views and policies about education .
25 This may mean setting up materials for children to investigate , setting up discussions between children to explore each other 's views and in some cases referring children to secondary sources to compare their beliefs with the information provided there .
26 They did so , in detail , each supplementing the other 's account and refreshing the other 's memory .
27 Dong and Hoc ran panting along the adjacent ranks allotted to them , calling out frequently to encourage one another and to check each other 's progress .
28 The rapid progress of military and naval technology , organisational changes , the sheer growth in the size of armies and navies , meant that states scrutinised each other 's progress in these respects with increasing care , while the few serious armed conflicts of 1871 – 1914 became laboratories in which new weapons and methods could be studied and their effectiveness tested .
29 There must be an open dialogue as a result of which the participants will not only enter each other 's world-view , but will as a result have re-evaluated their own position .
30 The fighting which followed took place spasmodically as the moon emerged from behind a cloud or one side fired at the other 's musket flashes and the Battle of Clifton turned out to be little more than a skirmish .
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