Example sentences of "off because [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They come up to meetings which erm , this goes on to say determine not to miss a single spiritual meal both private study , meeting attendance are urgent for all , there 's nothing new here brothers it 's all things that we 've heard before and this is why sometimes we can sort of nod off because we , we sort of think well I 've heard all this before , follow theocratic ways , procedures and policies not always easy to do , but it can be done , recognizing the organization that Jehovah is using keep awake by finding your place in God 's arrangement that is n't that little corner up there , by the way , we 're not talking about that one , but finding our place where we can work for Jehovah wholeheartedly do not quibble about assignments and arrangements I think we 're all guilty of that at some time are n't we ?
2 Besides , they will not be put off because they know a bargain when they see one .
3 Though this salary was the same as that of a third-class constable , the lowest police rank , village sergeants were much better off because they served in their own localities , were not subject to discipline , and had other income .
4 And they chop someone 's hands off because they think it 's OK .
5 Potential thieves are put off because they can see that it would be difficult to steal the car .
6 And I think it was , we were willing to go back to work and carry on discussions , albeit without earning any bonus because we were working to rule at the time , but it was what happened in er the quarry that really started the strike , when he laid the workforce off because they were helping us , or joining us in sympathetic action , you know there was a lockout up there , so I think that speeded up things considerably .
7 folk folk that know you either w might be too critical or they might just switch off because they have heard it before .
8 He should have left the bloody things off because they 're gon na have to take them off if they have their carpets down and might have to have something planed off them or something might n't they ?
9 Clearly something rubs off because you can observe people developing habits and behaviour patterns as a direct result of repetition .
10 have enough money with you if you are calling from a public telephone so that you are not constantly interrupted by the pip-pip-pi-p sound or cut off because you run out of change ;
11 You were being frightened off because you 'd started asking questions , but I was to be killed because I 'd found some answers . ’
12 I ca n't very well ask him to take a fortnight off because you do n't like him .
13 You lose your job , you 're at home all day , you heat the house to stay warm , get cut off because you fall behind with the bill .
14 I d th the natural inclination is to say use it t to live off because you do n't have a problem over the next twenty six weeks .
15 So the first point is if you 're going to show something show it , let everybody deal with it let everybody look at it then when you 've finished with that turn it off because you want the centre of attention to come back to you , presumably .
16 But of course I had to back off because you pulled out of it , and started fighting again . ’
17 Does n't matter if you go off because you could come up behind it .
18 Does n't matter if you go off because you could come up behind it
19 Why should an applicant , who must in any event be prepared to satisfy the primary purpose test , be worse off because he contemplates the possibility of a relatively short stay in the UK than one who had the fixed intention of permanent UK residence ?
20 ‘ The River Rat ! ’ he boomed , laughing heartily at his own joke , ‘ never takes his hat off because he 's BALD and never puts his boat in the river because he CA N'T SAIL ! ’
21 Sandy was a bit cheesed off because he could n't see whether it was a man or woman running about with no clothes on .
22 Pottz was pressured into taking off because he 'd waited too long .
23 If anyone asked him what had happened on a certain occasion he was n't able to tell them right off because he never put his memories into words .
24 Hope had set him off because he wanted to think something over .
25 He dreams he is sitting at the wheel of his car at the traffic lights , unable to drive off because he ca n't decide whether to kiss Rose when he arrives , or whether to ask her for a cheese and chutney sandwich instead , or where to go for his holidays .
26 He put on a tape of Vivaldi and then switched it off because he said they had too much to talk about .
27 They 'd been engaged twice but she kept breaking it off because he could n't hold a job down .
28 And once that has begun to change , the peasant is off because he , he , he , he 's begun to see a new world that he can realize .
29 And that er they would be worse off because he said even staff nurses are getting more than twenty thousand pounds a year .
30 about that sleeping treatment that he took , tha that finished him off because he , he , he
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