Example sentences of "off by [art] " in BNC.

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1 And within was empty darkness , fenced off by no more than a ridge of soil .
2 The blinking was a reflex which could equally well have been set off by a puff of wind or a flash of light .
3 Two years ago , she and John Orbell , archivist of Baring Brothers and chairman of the Council 's Liquidations and Rescue Support Group , were tipped off by a friendly Extel employee about the news agency 's imminent takeover by United Newspapers .
4 In view of all his interest in connections between worship of totemic plants , rain ceremonies , and modern life , it becomes clear why ‘ Gerontion ’ is sparked off by a passage from Benson 's Fitzgerald where Benson is quoting Fitzgerald .
5 The distribution of frequencies in this ‘ microwave background ’ is just like the distribution of frequencies given off by a hot gas .
6 It is possible that against a long-term downward movement of population , perhaps sparked off by a variety of economic concerns , the economic depression helped to determine the immediate attitudes in some of the old declining industrial centres just as the prospect of prosperity , and the accumulation of consumer goods and property , may have stimulated a desire to control family size among the population of the expanding industrial centres of the Midlands and the South East .
7 The scene is the Ritz Club , the prototype of a sophisticated Thirties nightclub in dazzling primary colours set off by a sleek black bar .
8 This winter Koffmann has been reinterpreting Cabessal de lievre : instead of stuffing and braising the hare he lightly roasts the fillet and laps it in a deep spicy sauce grand veneur set off by a heap of nutty pates .
9 I do not believe that they would be put off by a hostile bid not being ‘ good-form ’ . ’
10 All this was topped off by a tricorne hat decorated by a plume .
11 Bradshaw himself got picked off by a thirty-footer and lost his board .
12 There was a mix-up over payment for a meal at a café , and Chapman was hauled off by a gendarme to the police station .
13 Whether this burning interest came from a transmigration from a previous existence I do not know , but it may have been sparked off by a small and relatively insignificant incident which occurred in the spring of 1929 .
14 Which of us on finding our car aerial snapped off by a vandal have not momentarily wanted to do the same to his neck ?
15 At Ullapool the midday early November sun was low in the sky , white gold fanning down into the sea beyond Scoraig peninsula ; An Teallach hid its snow caps , cut off by a cool indigo-grey cloud .
16 The trailer brakes could be held off by a separate braking system when coupled to the tractor .
17 In fact , her mate Klono had been killed and dragged off by a leopard one night when her son Krono was about a year old .
18 Predators that never scavenge and always insist on eating freshly-killed prey will have their appetite switched off by a limp , static object .
19 Constant friction between the two nations at sea led , on 23 October 1739 , to the British government declaring war on Spain , the resulting conflict being known as ‘ The War of Jenkins 's ear ’ ; Robert Jenkins was the master of a British ship who had had his ear cut off by a Spanish officer during a search .
20 The front panel is finished off by a five channel , switchable graphic .
21 I must say , inside it was pretty chic with its black , white and stainless steel decor , set off by a window full of red geraniums ( pelargoniums . )
22 One of the theories about the abandoned ship Marie Celeste is that the crew were plucked off by a hungry kraken .
23 A brief analysis of Primal Scream 's pop career has also taken place , rounded off by a sure-footed declaration from Craig that ‘ the only respect I have for Bobby Gillespie is that he 's been closer to Kylie Minogue 's fanny than I have . ’
24 Mourning over , the package is rounded off by a stunning double flourish ; a cod-Broadway instrumental reprise on ‘ Argentina ’ , followed by that speech in full , and it 's the most serene , quietly-spoken rant you 'll ever hear .
25 The ceremony was hosted by a couple dressed in matching velvet Babygros , his tipped off by a woolly bobble , hers with what appeared to be a cat 's tail .
26 Piper explained : ‘ I have already been written off by a lot of people and a lot of critics and I can understand Benn being favourite .
27 The little dumpling stands to attention with its arms stiffly by its sides , as if being told off by a parent ; the shroud appears to be a shift with separate head-cloth but in actuality is nothing more than the usual loosely gathered linen , parted with greater than usual emphasis to show the entire face .
28 The merger ‘ scramble ’ of l959–61 was largely sparked off by a bid by well-known takeover specialist Charles Clore for Watney Mann .
29 nipples ripped off by a doberman on acid ?
30 A CAPTAIN had his finger bitten off by a lion on board ship .
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