Example sentences of "while [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Because he concentrated on a single target while the Russians played their world-wide game , they sometimes failed to notice where he was pulling their fingers .
2 The Poles stood with their capital at their backs while the Russians prepared for the assault that would end the war .
3 While the Russians kept their side of the bargain by pulling out , the Pakistanis and the Americans took no notice of the UN agreement and continued to send in arms .
4 The other bodyguard was being kept out of sight while the Russians decided what to do .
5 However , the challenge was bound to be more difficult for the Americans to handle , since they opposed drastic change while the Russians desired it .
6 All Soviet technicians were withdrawn ; trade between the two countries dropped off sharply ; and a series of hostile open letters was exchanged , the Chinese accusing the Russians of ‘ revisionism ’ while the Russians accused the Chinese of ‘ dogmatism ’ and ‘ splittism ’ ( or of attempting to break up the world communist movement ) .
7 Ladies ' K2 went to Portwich/Von Seck of Germany and the Germans also took the men 's K4 while the Russians took the C4 , a tight race considering it was a final with no preliminary rounds , 6 boats finishing in under 2.6 secs from the winners .
8 In a fifth instance , given in ex.5d , the cellos , again in the tenor clef , have the combined angular and linear theme the first with strokes , the second with dots while the basses , in bar 383 , give out the fourth of the five themes , with strokes in pure accentual meaning , as proved by the third minim that is tied to its neighbour .
9 What is clear is that if economic growth — which has already slowed down , particularly during the 1980s , in most of the industrial countries — continues to decline , while the claims of governments to legitimacy remain founded primarily upon their ability to promote such growth , then we can anticipate a period of increasing political instability and turbulence .
10 While the functions of lawyers and accountants are largely self-evident , those of chartered secretaries can be more varied .
11 While the functions of the primary and secondary markets differ it is no accident that the financial institutions participating in them are often the same , because an efficient secondary market , in which existing securities can be bought or sold easily , contributes in several important ways to the strength of the primary market .
12 Her hair , glowing like a brazier through the early-morning mist , her high boots and her cream-coloured quilted jacket with its exaggerated shoulders , had drawn his gaze as he sat impatiently in a line of cars while the pickets argued with the driver of an articulated wagon that was trying to enter the University .
13 BELOW A hair-dryer can be of great value in drying your dog 's coat , while the jets of air , in conjunction with a brush , may also help to undo any tangles after a bath .
14 And while the rewards in terms of job satisfaction have not reached the dizzy heights of the 1980s , Mr Wilson stresses : ‘ You have to have a thick skin and be prepared to stick with it through the bad times as well as the good . ’
15 While the plays served to glorify God and instruct the largely-illiterate population in the basics of the faith , the cycle was also intended to reflect the wealth and prestige of the guilds .
16 During these years Lambarde , after the death of his second wife , spent quite a lot of his time in London , and it was the fashionable thing in London for men of rank and members of Inns of Court to visit the Shakespearean theatre , while the plays were also performed in the Grays Inn Hall , before crowded audiences of Benchers , Lawyers and friends .
17 The Tynedale Fenwicks and the Liddesdale Elliots were involved for a long time in a savage , unyielding feud ; and the Armstrongs , among their many clashes , quarrelled simultaneously with the Scottish Turnbulls and Johnstones and with the English Bells , while the Bells were also feuding with the English Grahams .
18 The recipes and the suggested menus evoke the days of English parlourmaids handing round every course in silver-plated entrée dishes far too big for the food they contained , while the illustrations of table decorations devised by Mr Thomas Lowinsky depict such conversation stimulators as " two dead branches in an accumulator jar " , or " a spiral of chromium-plated steel pierced with holes through which the stems of flowers are passed " .
19 Later , Provenzano flew over a stolen car and circled while the patrolmen on the ground arrested four black men inside , forcing them to lie on the ground to be checked for weapons .
20 For while the persons in the original position take no interest in one another 's interests , they know that they have ( or may have ) certain moral and religious interests and other cultural ends which they can not put in jeopardy .
21 She was n't , while the persons who knew her before , especially the rich woman , were ‘ voiding and casting full boisterously and uncleanly ’ .
22 The problems of these rural areas have ‘ pushed ’ or repelled people away from the country , while the towns and cities of central Scotland and England have ‘ pulled ’ or attracted them .
23 The liberals were democrats , while the afrancesados believed in reform from above .
24 The emergency services have said while the restrictions will make their response time slightly slower the humps will not stop them from carrying out their duties .
25 For much of the population , numbed by defeat , the reforms were initially tangential to efforts to maintain a basic standard of life , but while the reforms themselves were accepted with considerable resignation , none could remain untouched by their effects for long .
26 While the reforms of 1988/89 do go some way towards creating a more effective regional policy in that the dispersion of funds has shifted towards the poorer regions , given the gulf between the rhetoric of the commitment to balanced development and the extent of subsequent policy action , it is difficult to escape the conclusion that the issue of space and the impact of EC policies over space are but a minimal consideration in the design of a greater vision .
27 If it is stretching the imagination to describe any West Indian fast bowler as a gentle giant he is nevertheless mild-mannered and easy-going , and it is significant that while the likes of Croft and Marshall were doing unpleasant things to batsmen 's heads , the damage that Garner inflicted was mostly confined to arms and hands ; obviously any broken bone is bad and obviously he sent down his share of bouncers , but there was never the suggestion that he was using his physical advantages maliciously ; six feet eight inches 12 metres ) tall and weighing seventeen stones ( 108 kilograms ) , the prospect of the carnage he might have caused had he been of an aggressive nature hardly bears thinking about .
28 ‘ Let them that owns the shop watch over it , ’ Mrs Bennet said , ‘ instead of skulking in Southport while the likes of youse risk yer lives for it . ’
29 While the likes of Brian Grant ( Aberdeen ) , Nicky Walker ( Hearts ) and Darren Jackson ( Hibs ) gained full international recognition for the first time , all have yet to negotiate weekend derby matches .
30 Group B is tight with Crusaders and Distillery level on four points each at the top ; Crues are away to Coleraine while the Whites visit Omagh knowing defeat will let in the Tyrone men .
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