Example sentences of "why there [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But the ITV Network wo n't concede that 's why there 'll be no Telethon '94 .
2 In my first article I explained why there might be special difficulties for parents educated in Asia , as expectations differ .
3 One can appreciate why there may be a deliberate decision to restrict their circulation : these are sensitive matters and whatever policy applies , one group or another will be dissatisfied , perhaps to the extent of taking action against the library ; moreover any decision-making that is laid bare almost always invites debate and dispute .
4 But it is still not clear why there must always be such effects in social formations , other than because their absence would upset one solution to a dilemma posed by Marxist theory .
5 Since they do n't have problems landing on their gliding site , they do n't see why there should be any particular problem landing elsewhere .
6 ‘ There is no reason now why there should not be an interim payment made to the unsecured creditors , ’ he said .
7 ‘ I can never understand why there should be a conflict between science and religion , ’ she says .
8 There seems , on the face of it , no reason why there should not be an aftermarket in release allocations . ’
9 If the husbands ask why there should be such a penalty , then I can only answer that it is because Parliament has enacted as it did . ’
10 The question which serves as a starting-point is why there should be legal obstacles to the recognition of the transsexual 's change .
11 It is a puzzle why there should be two main classes of cleavage patterns — radial and spiral .
12 It is not precisely clear why there should be this relationship , but fruit , in general , is more difficult to find than leaves , and requires an animal to range further afield to acquire it .
13 If as frequently happens there is a dialogue between a composer and performer , I see no reason why there should not be a similar relationship between a composer and a record producer . ’
14 It is not clear why there should be such a high proportion of woodworking tools from Kent , especially the cemetery at Sarre beside the Wantsum Channel , but it may reflect ship-building and repairing as much as more general carpentry .
15 I mean why there should n't be cooking oil in in in landfill .
16 We were completely baffled as to why there should be these differences , and in particular why the preferred directions of the on-type directionally selective ganglion cells should fall into three groups .
17 That rule dealt with originating applications under the Act and provided by subrule ( 7 ) that the contemnor might be punished notwithstanding that a copy of the injunction had not been served on him in accordance with Ord. 29 , r. 1(2) and that no notice had been issued or served upon him under Ord. 29 , r. 1(4) — a notice to show cause why there should not be a committal .
18 This was also in the field of contempt of court and the rule which had been evolved was that Form N78 ( Notice to show cause why there should not be a committal to prison ) had to be signed by ‘ the proper officer ’ of the county court and that unless this was done , it was an invalid notice .
19 In this instance , however , the mystery as to why there should be artefacts at all in the soil was easily solved .
20 Whatever one man tells another about a woman 's sexual inclinations and whether or not she demonstrates her unwillingness , it is hard to see why a man should be able to rely for consent on the word of another man or why there should be no obligation upon him to consult her himself .
21 It is , moreover , very difficult to explain in any other way why there should be so much helium in the universe .
22 There has been some confusion — I do not know why there should have been because it was made clear last night by the Secretary of State for Wales — about the position of students .
23 We shall be given all manner of reasons why there should not be a top salary review , or whatever it is called since the former Prime Minister tore up the negotiating arrangements for the civil service .
24 To treat governors and parents — and ideally non-teaching staff too — in a way different from teaching staff raises the question of why there should be differences if the process of management is a democratic activity which is conducted between equals .
25 Possessive adjectives , however , do not produce a satisfactory result : ( 60 ) our bicycles damaged all had red handlebars your ideas discussed will be put to our colonel One may enquire why there should be this contrast , since it seems easy enough to see what meaning should be attached to each of the sentences of ( 60 ) .
26 And why there should be such a change these days in that line I , I , I ca n't quite agree with it .
27 The third reason why there can lie no facile equation of racist and sexual discrimination via the appeal to Fanon concerns the place of sexuality , especially homosexuality , in his own writing .
28 Secondly , Manne suggests that there is a more fundamental reason why there can never be a rule against the profitable use of inside information in the stock market .
29 One reason why there can be no simple answer to the question whether there has been irresolvable conflict between science and religion is that the answer may well depend on which of these types of explanation is favored .
30 In quantum mechanics it turns out that the operators x and p do not commute , which is why there can not be a state in which they both take definite values .
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