Example sentences of "hand as he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd throw it in their teeth , ’ Moran clenched and unclenched his hands as he spoke .
2 Talking about him with the others , I did find out that several other people had had the same experience with him as me ; that his lovemaking was done in silence , that he never said a word ( in fact with me he hardly looked me in the eye either , just stared at his own hands as he moved them over my body , not stroking so much as seizing and kneading me , holding me down too ) ; but then later in the night you would wake to hear him talking to himself , lying there fast asleep ( O always asked the men he fucked to stay with him all night long , always ) , fast asleep and talking out loud in the night , talking in a fast , furious , hushed , hollow voice .
3 He was not a bad looker , I thought , and shook hands as he told me his name was Freddy .
4 On occasions Mr Parry was seen to wring his hands as he struggled with his emotions when he spoke of the impact of recent events , since the double IRA bomb blast cut down Tim and three-year-old Johnathan Ball in Warrington town centre on Saturday March 20 .
5 She watched the play of sinews and veins over the backs of his hands as he massaged the cream in .
6 Her body relaxed in Adam 's strong and clearly skilled hands as he stroked her bare , smooth belly , and a warm glow spread from her navel over her entire body .
7 Twigs dug into the palms of his hands as he pushed himself upright .
8 The other two men were taller , one lanky , with slow flapping hands as he walked — ; Miranda guessed he had not lived in London long .
9 Like Alexei , he had nails on the ends of his fingers instead of talons , and he stared at Alexei 's hands as he gave him a filled cup , then raised his eyes and bowed solemnly .
10 She watched his hands as he pushed open the packet and pulled out a cigarette .
11 Davide caught his start when she leant over to give him a clean plate , how he set his chair straight and then , after a falter , flowed on , hammering the air with his clenched hands as he made his points , as if determined not to notice her .
12 And then the tendrils of her inner fire licked outwards , and the buffeting of the waters around her merged dizzily with the touch of his hands as he drew her closer .
13 As soon as de Warenne had left , Edward put his face in his hands as he tried to control both his anger and his terror .
14 The apothecary was sitting at his small desk under the open window but rose , laughing and clapping his hands as he recognised Corbett .
15 Unable to prevent his speedy passage , she screwed her eyes up tightly , her body rigid in his hands as he flung the door open .
16 Fogarty celebrated his long Schwantz style , by standing upright on his machine and punching the air with both hands as he crossed the finishing line .
17 The Doctor ran from the centre of the room loosening his hands as he fled .
18 Barnett steadied the heavy tumbler of neat whisky with both hands as he brought it to his lips .
19 She watched his hands as he started the car , firm but sensitive on the wheel .
20 He liked the softness of silk , the slippery feel of it under his hands as he slowly undressed a woman in a shadowed bedroom .
21 Another man escaped from a back window , cutting his hands as he smashed a way through … blood from the injury still evident on the doorstep of the neighbouring house where he raised the alarm .
22 Spanswick , 50 , returned a few minutes later with a mash hammer and delivered blows to Mr Curren 's hands as he tried to protect himself .
23 The curé shook his hand as he strode past .
24 Forster half rolled , his Uzi trembling in his hand as he got off half a clip at point blank range .
25 The blood ran down the inside of his arm , where the skin was pale , and collected in the palm of his hand as he held the wound out for Dad to look at .
26 A half-empty bottle of red wine stood on the telephone table and he picked it up and drank from it with his left hand as he lifted the receiver with his right .
27 Mason meanwhile attacked one Messerschmitt which at once went straight down , but the others attacked him and one got three hits on his aircraft , which shattered the windscreen and wounded him in the hand as he broke away .
28 If a woman holds a man 's hand as he lights her cigarette and strokes him behind the knees with her foot , is it a secret sign ?
29 A WARTIME shell blew off a man 's hand as he was cleaning it to make an umbrella stand .
30 Prince Charles left at 3.03pm , shaking chef Mosimann warmly by the hand as he climbed into his car .
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