Example sentences of "hand [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 David must have anticipated this , for as soon as he left his car he made his way across to them , Belinda in tow with her hand tucked into his arm .
2 There was a knock on the door and Craig tensed , his big hands clenching into fists .
3 That stung , and she swung round in the seat , her hands clenching into fists .
4 The sleeve for the hemiplegic arm is gathered together , and the unaffected hand goes into it from the cuff , in order to draw the hemiplegic hand into the sleeve up to the wrist .
5 He looked up directly into Cardiff 's eyes , gritted his teeth , and waited for his hands to sink into the concrete .
6 And the hard chill crept through her bones as her husband 's hand crept into the blonde student 's blouse and they both smiled .
7 She had the dreadful thought that once her hands plunged into the foul greasiness , she would feel reaching , grasping hands under the surface , clutching at her , pulling her down until she was drowning .
8 She advanced on Maybelle , her hands clenched into fists , as she had advanced on her little brothers , sometimes seriously , sometimes in play .
9 Isabel 's hands clenched into tiny fists at her sides as she struggled against the waves of savage anger threatening to sweep her beyond caution .
10 He walked away , his whole body rigid with tension , his hands clenched into fists , his face like a mask .
11 Paul took a threatening step forward , then paused , his big hands clenched into fists of rage .
12 His hands clenched into fists .
13 Alexei 's right hand clenched into a fist and Rostov tensed to receive the attack which he was sure he had provoked .
14 A large hand smacked into his mouth and although he bit at it the thumb was forced like a gag between his teeth .
15 Swearing as her dead left hand crashed into a chair in the dark , Jezrael made her way across the room , sat down facing him .
16 Mixed with the undersize , it was then hand sorted into three grades : solid chalcopyrite ; good ore with some gangue or rock adhering ; and low grade stuff The solid ore was passed to the bucking shed where maidens using heavy buckers , hammers with wide flat heads , beat it on iron plates , each fed from a small hopper ( See Fig. 22 ) , to about thumbnail size .
17 His hands rose into the air and clenched , as though he was wrestling a bullock by its horns .
18 He stood Willie on the armchair , took the towel away and placed the nightshirt over his head , cutting more away from the hem until Willie 's toes and hands came into view .
19 For an older child , use your hand made into a fist , using gentle but firm upwards pressure with the other hand supporting his back .
20 At this point his heavy hand came into harsh contact with my face .
21 He jumped as his hand came into contact with something warm and furry .
22 He changed course and reached it , just as a hand came into view , with the top of somebody 's headgear lying inside .
23 The plaintiff 's hand came into contact with a moving grinding wheel which was not fenced .
24 A flurry of hands whisked into the air , accompanied by chaotic shouts .
25 Lucenzo 's hands curved into her waist , holding her firmly against him , the masculine sensuality of his mouth a terrible focus for her eyes .
26 sweaty hands soaking into it or anything
27 Behind him , Briant sat calmly , legs outstretched , his hands thrust into the pockets of his near-white coat , his eyes fixed on the toes of his highly polished shoes as he rocked his crossed ankles in a slow rhythm .
28 It looked perfectly human , dressed in a grey , well-cut suit and black tie , its collar turned up against the cold , its hands thrust into its pockets .
29 He had his hands thrust into his coat pockets and his shoulders were hunched .
30 She sprang nimbly to her feet and approached him , her hands thrust into the pockets of her baggy camouflage pants .
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