Example sentences of "problem i have " in BNC.

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1 One of the major problems I 've encountered with this review is actually keeping hold of the guitar long enough to form my own opinion .
2 I 'm my own man and that 's very important in these times , even if you have n't had the problems I 've had , and you have n't , because that 's perfectly obvious , you 're sitting there and asking me the questions .
3 ‘ When you 've seen some of the problems I 've seen you 'll realise how lucky you are . ’
4 The only problems I 've ever had with it was the fucking n erm that thingie I had were n't it ?
5 Now we all know because we 're print buyers to a larger or greater degree but they 're clients they over-estimate they add about twenty five per cent more on than they need and you have to send them back to sharpen their pencils several times before you 've seen the estimate , they of course know that all print buyers are idiots who keep forgetting all the important things and do n't give them half the information they need like the weight of paper or the fact that there 's to be a pocket at the back so , I think if we got the man I think if we maybe started off with H M S O the print buyer which is more akin to what we are and say well you know these are the problems I 've got I 'm sitting with a six million pound budget buying for the whole of the government of Scotland and I have problems and these are the problems that I have , then we get to the wee man from who says now wait a minute boys I get the rubbish that you send out , that was the message and let's make it funny but slightly aggressive let's highlight the real problems because that 's what it 's about , we 're not here for a nice night we 're here to learn
6 Nowadays I keep huge lists of every person , organisation and publication connected with birds , so I hope I 'll never again have the problems I had finding that owl .
7 The problems I had getting Dawn used to my family were made worse for two reasons .
8 I also realised that forest photography was fraught with problems I had n't even considered , and was not at all well-equipped to deal with .
9 Complete Works is , in some ways , easier to use and incorporates some nice ideas , but the problems I had trying to link charts , table and spreadsheets together let it down in the end .
10 My life lay away from them now , and the problems I had brought to work with me that morning reclaimed me with redoubled urgency .
11 A physiotherapist said that she could not recall any aggravation at any level , and an occupational therapist said : ‘ It did n't matter what problems I had , I just had to go to them and they 'd say ‘ OK , there 's a way round it . ’ ’
12 On top of all my other problems I had something of an upheaval on the domestic front when my daughter and her two children had to move in with us for a while .
13 One of the subscribers taking part in the trials said : ‘ I would n't have had the problems I had with malicious calls a few years ago if I 'd had Caller Display then . ’
14 I want to discuss various ideological problems I have . ’
15 We talk about problems I have in my life and we can talk about lighter things and have fun .
16 The current problems of the NEA are not simply , or even mainly , the intellectual , aesthetic and administrative problems I have referred to earlier .
17 They are all very welcome , of course , although they park their cars in inconvenient places , but they do not help in the problems I have in finding the time to sort out my new home .
18 The problems I have to resolve under this heading are not made any easier by uncertainty , even in the short term future , as to who will be doing the caring and at what stages changes to the present regime will take place .
19 It is essential that the problems I have identified this afternoon are resolved before this Bill leaves this House .
20 He continued : ‘ One of the problems I have is that people talk to me of political theatre and non-political theatre .
21 One of the problems I have with what you 've all been saying so far is that you 've talked about encouraging a sense of warmth and security , well maybe we ought to confront the fact that the world is not a warm and secure place and deal with those kinds of issues , and say and put it squarely before children .
22 But I have to restrict myself , otherwise I will face the same problem I had with the books — the lack of somewhere to lodge all these wonderful toys .
23 The only problem I had with the book is that it is hinged on the premise that hardened psychopaths are capable of deep love — somehow that does n't ring true .
24 Lee Marvin , who had a good supporting role in the film , told me , ‘ The big problem I had with Monty Clift was that he would n't look me in the eye .
25 Brian : The only problem I had was people thinking I had problems .
26 And much as I coveted a wonderful watercolour by Albert that I came across in an Alice Springs gallery for 4,000 dollars I was even more taken with the traditional native art , particularly since it seemed to offer useful hints about a problem I had of seeing the outback in ways other than through the window-on-the-world vision that developed in Renaissance Italy .
27 The worst problem I had at the palace was the Queen 's dwarf .
28 I had , that 's the problem I had with Smart Drive and
29 the only erm problem I had I think with the basic er terms as outlined in this document are the fact that I 'm going to be wor erm intending to work for fif at least fifty of the fifty two weeks in the year at it when of course erm certainly as we 'd already agreed on my erm business plan within the summer month from the the end of July until the beginning of September
30 Well that 's the problem I had with my boob was n't it ?
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