Example sentences of "way [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Frequently , the latter have funnel-shaped access ways on to them and former forest from the enclosed areas around .
2 one thin strip of metal edge ways on across the centre I 'd do it wo n't it ? , that thing
3 Her mother , Gayle , puts her winning ways down to a combination of looks and personality .
4 Seen end on , their sharp , rocky summits point like arrows to the sky , while from the side they become narrow , crenellated ridges offering pleasant ways up to the tops , especially in winter .
5 This was a mistaken choice , because the Adour was actually a bad river , which kept on finding different ways out into the Atlantic and abandoning Bayonne altogether .
6 This is the densest , yet at the same time one of the most persuasive sections of the book , wherein a variety of arguments drawn from the analytic tradition are deployed against Nietzsche 's lineage : Quine and Davidson on a theory of meaning both holistic and realist — demonstrating that there are more ways out of atomism and the myths of the given than Saussure 's ; and an anti-relativist notion of truth as a ‘ regulative ideal ’ derived from Tarski , Popper and Lakatos .
7 It is a story with which all machine knitters are very familiar and although there are no magic wands there are many ways out of the hole that she feels she has dug herself into .
8 He argues that there are only two ways out of disturbed immature relationships .
9 A recent report from the EOC found that ‘ overall the Youth Training Programme does little or nothing to widen girls ’ horizons or to provide ways out of the low-paid and dead-end jobs which are a feature of many women 's lives in Northern Ireland today ’ .
10 There are various ways out of this dilemma .
11 I know six ways out of here that are n't past the desk . ’
12 There were plenty of gates and there were numerous ways out of the square , and the park itself was barely a couple of hundred yards across ; just another backstreet pigeon trap with no feature other than a strange half-timbered lodge near its centre to make it unique , but still she hesitated to enter .
13 It was a long drop from the balcony of the games room ; the castle apothecary carried a line of lethal poisons and draughts ; there were ways out of the castle , a postern or two , and a narrow winding path through the fractured rocks and fallen masonry all tumbled round the castle 's plinthed base like scree , then a long cold walk into the snowy silence …
14 Walker , who apart from the Prime Minister herself ( Margaret Thatcher ) and Sir Geoffrey Howe was the only remaining member of the Conservative Cabinet formed in 1979 ( and who had also been a member of Edward Heath 's Cabinet in 1970-74 ) , had for a considerable time been regarded as in many ways out of sympathy with certain aspects of Thatcher 's political philosophy .
15 ‘ We all have our own ways out of the first forest , ’ Harry said .
16 If I 'm boring this time , you have n't tried it , but if you , if you can do it then erm , it 'll be a really interesting session , of sort of getting together in groups and discussing the problems and sorting ways out of problems .
17 Delegates at California 's energy conference point to various ways out of this chaos , from general policy to specific action .
18 And so saying she led the way on to the terrace with its beautiful scents of honeysuckle , rose and jasmine .
19 Some colours and wood grain effects are beginning to find their way on to the market , although most are still white .
20 ‘ It is horrifying that anyone in transit can find their way on to an aircraft undetected .
21 In Perth souvenir shops , Gumpets are elbowing their way on to the shelves alongside the stock-in-trade plywood boomer angs , mallee-root ornamental clocks and kangaroo-skin sporrans .
22 The night before , alone and drunk , he turned the Harley the wrong way on to busy St Peter Street downtown and rode awhile through oncoming traffic until a policeman mercifully stopped him .
23 The feeling that something special was about to happen spilled over into an exhibition of appreciation then unparalleled on an English racecourse : the crowd applauded the rivals as they made their way on to the track and burst into cheering as they reached it .
24 The promise of plenty of planting can prove useful to a company in search of planning permission , so Waterers has found its services increasingly in demand by supermarket giants Sainsbury 's and Tesco as they try and inveigle their way on to the green belt .
25 ‘ Hold her steady , ’ he told Gomez and made his way on to the cabin top .
26 In Alexandria he found that the railway meandered down to the beach and passengers had to find their way on to the trains without any benefit of station buildings .
27 His party made their way on to the airfield without difficulty and what followed was a foretaste of Paddy Mayne 's style .
28 From the tour a distressing evening found its way on to TV screens .
29 According to a Nature Conservancy Council Report ( 1981b ) significant declines in swan populations in many parts of Britain are due to the ingestion of lead shot and weights which find their way on to lake and stream beds from where they are consumed as grit .
30 In the censorship scale obscene literature might be rated as less serious than racist literature but both would have to defer to seditious literature which normally does not find its way on to library shelves .
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