Example sentences of "may also be " in BNC.

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1 Theorists may also be more difficult to follow in their arguments because of a current of polemic with which a reader may not be familiar .
2 There is a bleakness which centres on Patrick 's infidelities : but it may also be true that the rudeness and aggression with which Jenny , their sex object , is treated by various chuntering males has grown grimmer with the years than it was reckoned to be , by the author , by me and by many of his readers , at the time .
3 You may also be able to get a cash maternity allowance or grant .
4 Help may also be available for those who care for others , for example if you are looking after a disabled person or an elderly relation .
5 Grants may also be available for thermal insulation , or repairs to properties in clearance areas .
6 It may also be the reason why , in its forty-year history , the Police Staff College has never achieved any real academic status ; for , as Lewis ( ibid. 183 ) also points out :
7 They may also be able to tell you about local organisations which give practical help with gardening or decorating .
8 Social services departments may also be able to help you pay for work not covered by disabled facilities grants , and can also provide additional facilities to make the property safer , more comfortable and more convenient .
9 The electoral roll , local authority records , and other sources of information may also be used to complete the community charge register .
10 Pellets may also be ‘ stabilised ’ by the inclusion of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid ) to reduce oxidation .
11 Flavours may also be separated in the hop extract and can be fractionated .
12 Brushes may also be used to colour larger areas such as the blue ribbon of this design .
13 There is no reason why American poetry , or poetry from other anglophone literatures , should not be read , given a minimal amount of culture and contextual instruction ( which may also be needed , of course , in the reading of English poems ) .
14 Given time , it may also be the sporting viewers ' .
15 Its efficacy may also be questioned : the RFAC 's chairman , Lord St John of Fawsley , has pointed out that gates which must be opened and shut will merely attract attention to the Prime Minister 's movements .
16 It may also be possible to claim damages against a local authority for negligently failing to ensure that construction work complied with the relevant building regulations .
17 Disclaimers may also be used by referees and others to rob you of a claim for damages .
18 But the latest abductions may also be a deliberate attempt to embarrass the Palestine Liberation Organisation which controls most of the Palestinian areas of Sidon .
19 There may also be a need for changes to criminal damage laws to cover viruses and logic bombs which can corrupt and destroy computer data .
20 They may also be able to tell you some of the preferences of those councillors , which can make a big difference to how you lobby them .
21 Wood — in a drawer , wardrobe or chest — may also be acidic : line all drawers and storage compartments with acid-free tissue .
22 But some commentators believe that it may also be because , unlike other cartel kingpins , Escobar and Rodriguez Gacha are social upstarts who have clawed their way out of the gutter .
23 The existing equity holders may also be asked to participate in a further round of equity raising , for around 10 per cent of the total .
24 The discovery may also be important medically , Dr Zimmern suggested .
25 ‘ Police officers may also be working in stressful conditions and stress plays a part in back pain , ’ she said .
26 Here we are primarily concerned about balance and impartiality between political parties , but balance between social groups and institutions , or between alternative life-styles , may also be important ; so too may balance between rival factions within parties — for example during contests for party leadership , such as the 1990 contest between Heseltine and Thatcher .
27 Such displacement may be a symptom of a continuously destructive semi-repression , but it may also be an effective way of minimizing within oneself , or a group , disabling complications within identity .
28 Relatedly , as a means of securing sexual difference , homophobia may also be a displacement of homosocial anger — resentment at coerced identification and the persistent intimidation to conform .
29 But Lawrence dramatizes something else : if , within the construction of homosexuality as a fear or refusal of otherness , there may be a projection by the male heterosexual on to the homosexual of his fear of the woman as other , there may also be a disavowal of the heterosexual 's fear of the homosexual as the same — that is , a fear of those gender proximities and interconnections , including Lawrence 's opposed energy ‘ flows ’ , whose feared mutual implication compromises not only the ideology of sexual difference , but the cultural formations which it underwrites .
30 But again , in ( historical ) practice to invert may also be to displace .
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