Example sentences of "should be quite " in BNC.

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1 Mehdi Moghadassi If past performances are anything to go by , this should be quite a disturbing work .
2 Eventually it should be quite sufficient to weigh yourself once every week or two .
3 If the kisses which she [ Princess Amalia at Aachen ] gave to my children , and to Wolfgang especially , had been all new louis d'or , we should be quite happy ; but neither the innkeeper nor the postmaster are paid in kisses …
4 I should be quite content , I thought , to live here for ever , smelling the cooking and the lavatory and the dust , looking forward to my two slices of bread at lunch or tea and my Red Cross stew at supper , thinking about all the books I am going to read and how nice it is going to be when I can speak German and Russian fluently ; I only want to be allowed to live , and enjoy the sun when it shines , and wait for it when it goes behind a cloud .
5 A couple of minutes should be quite adequate to summarize the following points about yourself :
6 We also have ideas for a Morse exercise which should be quite fun . ’
7 It is considered that something in the region of 40g daily should be quite sufficient to protect your health in all the ways which have been described , and to make it much easier for you to control your weight in the future .
8 To see them at their best , keep a small shoal , although in an aquarium of your size , two should be quite happy .
9 Any reputable hypnotherapist should be quite prepared to have a ten-minute ‘ chat ’ with you , free of charge , during which he can answer any questions you might have .
10 I have aimed to answer all the questions usually asked ( and a few more besides ) , but do remember that , whichever hypnotherapist you consult , he or she should be quite willing to do precisely the same for you and to put your mind at rest about anything else which may be troubling you with regard to regression therapy as well as to hypnosis itself .
11 Nevertheless a mixture containing coarse sand and bulb fibre or peat moss should be quite satisfactory .
12 It should be quite simple . ’
13 Drive in the spade again , about 2–3 inches ( 5- 8cm ) from the cuttings slit , and lever the soil over tight against the cuttings — check this by taking a few between thumb and finger , and try to lift them : they should be quite firm .
14 Many of IBM 's customers should be quite attracted to the idea too : APPN is generally recognised to be a flexible and robust set of networking protocols , and its users have substantial amounts of money and expertise tied up in it .
15 For a long time English law embodied the idea that the rights of individuals to challenge governmental action should be quite limited .
16 We should be quite clear on this .
17 And teaching should be quite natural and the pupils free to speak as they wished before their masters .
18 The gratin dish should be quite full .
19 That should be quite good , but it 's not enough of course
20 I mean then , we 've then have what , two weeks to produce a leaflet which which should be quite easy to achieve .
21 Erm so that 's a a whole of responses to this , I think we need to be far more clear in our opposition to this , I think it 's a very dangerous situation it 's one that 's happening across the country , we 're not the only sufferers and I think consortia have been very dangerous things from the beginning , and are leading inextricably to the merger that we we put before us as a proposal tonight , and I think we really should be quite strenuous in our position to it .
22 This is because the different responses to Gettier all stem from different diagnoses of the way in which the tripartite analysis is lacking ; once we know what is missing , it should be quite a simple matter to add it .
23 Which , of course , momentarily , it did : ‘ Two weeks , ’ she boldly and brightly continued , breaking the trance like stillness with a frisky movement of her head and braceleted right arm , ‘ yes , two weeks , in Kyoto and Osaka , it should be quite fascinating , quite an opportunity to see a completely different culture , of course it relates to our own work at the Institute in a very particular way , it seems that there has been a considerable amount of research done in the department we are visiting on the problems of adoption and stepparents .
24 And the return should be quite good because you 're not paying tax on the , on the investment , if you cash early then you pay tax on it .
25 1st and 2nd violins in octaves , doubled by the higher woodwind , should be quite sufficient to carry the melodic line successfully against detached chords on the rest of the orchestra , especially if the brass were marked f and everything else ff .
26 Donegal have n't lost a game in 12 months , while Derry have only lost three times in 27 months , so it should be quite a struggle .
27 South Leinster are also strong , having seven internationals in their side , so it should be quite a contest at Lurgan .
28 At that time of year the weather should be quite warm and dry , but you 'll need a jersey , windproofs , and a pair of long trousers , plus a summer-season sleeping bag or similar .
29 Erm I think it should be quite specific and it should say the housing needs .
30 He should be quite easy to trace .
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