Example sentences of "should ask [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A British voter aggrieved by being denied choice among candidates on party lists should ask himself just how much choice among candidates of the same party he is allowed under our present system and how much he would be allowed under the STV .
2 Nevertheless , it is , I think , salutary that the judge who is called upon to construe statutory language should ask himself whether the meaning that is urged upon him is one which can fairly be drawn by a person of reasonable intelligence ordinarily conversant with the English language .
3 The hon. Gentleman should ask himself why he is so keen to see people who are entitled to vote not able to do so .
4 However , he should ask himself why it is that , when people are given access and are judged eligible for the benefits , the administration is so inadequate that paying out the genuine benefits breaks the system .
5 If you are a B , I should ask somebody to do this test for you , because usually the people on these courses are A's , quite a lot of them are A one .
6 I think really if you 're doing that , you should ask somebody else to come and
7 They should ask themselves what he can actually deliver .
8 In a week when the Spectator could editorialise that economic aid to Africa is ‘ counterproductive and profoundly wicked ’ ( my — incredulous — emphasis ) , they should ask themselves whose side they are really on .
9 Professionals who try to coerce parents into acting on advice they have rejected should ask themselves what they hope to achieve .
10 Instrumentalists should ask themselves the following : in the absence of law who controls the family ?
11 One US company says employees should ask themselves : Would you do or say this in front of your spouse , parents or a colleague of the same sex ?
12 Unless a woman has evidence of rubella immunisation or a positive blood test , she should ask her doctor to do a blood test .
13 All this went through Princess Marie Louise 's mind , and on impulse she suggested to her family that she should ask her great friend , the architect Sir Edwin Lutyens , to design a dolls ' house for the Queen 's personal pleasure .
14 You should ask yourself whether you make the best of what you have , however little .
15 Here are some questions you should ask yourself .
16 If you want to field an Empire army , I believe the first question you should ask yourself is what sort of player you are .
17 I 'm not dismissing your desire for a baby but you should ask yourself why there 's such a gap in your life .
18 ‘ I think you should ask yourself why you wrote it , Lizzy , and why you did those things ?
19 There are some questions you should ask yourself .
20 To get some idea of the best system for your particular way of life you should ask yourself the sort of questions a heating contractor would ask :
21 She should ask him first before getting him things .
22 Thinking that maybe this man was the right man , that maybe it was him I should ask him for directions , him who would take me home or wherever it was I was trying to get to .
23 I do n't know if it was by accident — I should ask him one day — but I used to play that over and over again and just revel in that sound , and I thought if you could get hold of that sound and make a feature of it , and if it were not just two guitars but as many as you needed to make a proper arrangement , the possibilities would be endless .
24 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE is a man , it is inevitable that eventually I should ask him about wanking .
25 And I thought then that maybe I should ask him how he was .
26 By the time I reached the address , I could not decide whether I should ask him to wait .
27 ‘ Perhaps we should ask him to dinner , ’ said Lili .
28 ‘ I should ask him .
29 In situations where the student is working with a literate language assistant , he/she should ask him or her to keep a note-book in which to record mistakes the student makes , both inside and outside the classroom .
30 you should ask him if fancies her
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