Example sentences of "should [vb infin] that " in BNC.

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1 But plans , such as Australia 's aim of 20 per cent cuts in carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2005 , mean that everyone should make that 20 per cent cut in the emissions they generate , directly and indirectly .
2 I afterwards met Mr Blair at the Congress , and observing his deep solicitude for Kildalton , I admitted the claims which its neglected state had upon my faith and affection , and remarked that it was not the pecuniary sacrifice that I should make that would deter me , so much as the expenditure I had lately incurred on my House and Glebe , and which would in a measure be thrown away , by my moving to Islay .
3 Rather than forcing the diet on him , you should explain that it might help and ask if he would like to try it .
4 The letter should explain that you have the right qualifications , and say that you are willing to learn those you do n't have : you may be a competent typist , for example , but need a few hours to learn how to use a word processor .
5 The witness concerned should explain that he had a good unobstructed view of the traffic lights and that they were at red when the vehicle or part of it passed them .
6 I should explain that I never once thought that he should ‘ give way to me ’ — as Nonni said he should — because I was ill ; only because , as I told him , I had always thought of him as ‘ a reasonable human being with some pretensions to morality ’ .
7 Mr. Walker : I think that he should explain that virtually all the money for that project was to be public expenditure .
8 He should explain that the left the country only because his authority was no longer respected and because he desired to avoid bloodshed .
9 ‘ I should explain that Matt and I were not lovers in the accepted sense ; we were friends — good friends , we 'd known each other from childhood so we had a lot in common .
10 First 1 should explain that my account is a combination of a statement made around 1826 by a Kandyan aristocrat in reply " to an enquiry from the British agent Sir John D'Oyly and of material which I recorded myself in Sri Lanka in 1954 .
11 ‘ I should explain that although part of the letter was dictated by the kidnappers , most of it was written by my father .
12 ‘ I should explain that I 've got a deadline for the series of articles I 'm writing .
13 ‘ Though , since Prague has reared its head again , perhaps I should explain that , when we returned to our hotel after dinner last night , with my feelings for you seeming to be on an agitated boil , I had to invent having someone to see . ’
14 I should explain that U.C.L. was reluctant to begin a Department of Linguistics , although Linguistics was then becoming a popular and ‘ fashionable ’ new subject .
15 However , we should emphasize that this stalemate is highly unlikely .
16 We should emphasize that the marking itself is not electronic but is done by a human .
17 I should emphasize that the summary account given above is not at all official , and has no claim to comprehensiveness or objectivity .
18 Even when you have decided a broad direction , and I should emphasize that it is only possible to set ambitions in a broad sense and only helpful so to do , there will inevitably come times when external events show that one has made a false assessment of one 's starting point or the ability of one 's competitors , known or unsuspected , to seize the initiative .
19 The therapist should emphasize that encouragement , information , and direction can be offered , but ultimately the client will have to learn to change things for him/ herself .
20 We should emphasize that visionary leadership is not always synonymous with good leadership .
21 A sequence of six lines with the same rhyme are given to Dame Sirith as , initially , she professes her conventional goodness and innocence to Wilekin : ( " I am a holy woman ; I know nothing of witchcraft but with almsgiving to good men I sustain my life each day , and offer my paternoster and my creed that God should help those in their need who help me my life to lead and should grant that all should go well with them … )
22 The more difficult case is when theory suggests that a relationship should exist that seems to the researcher to be present in the data , but on a statistical level the relationship is not confirmed .
23 ‘ but I should comment that there would be an adverse environment effect on properties adjacent to the roads used by the large number of heavy goods vehicles , in particular the properties fronting Bridge Road .
24 If it should rule that the president 's actions were unconstitutional it would be a big step toward his impeachment by Congress .
25 I should prefer that the appointments are not given to the governors of the banks of individual member states .
26 You should stress that your concern for human rights is not in any way politically partisan .
27 But I should stress that this is still very much a personal interpretation by somebody only marginally involved in the market .
28 But people are much more likely — and we should stress that only the lunatic fringe is involved — to believe it necessary that those they perceive as only minimally inferior to themselves should be annihilated .
29 We should stress that we shall not be attempting either complete biographies or conventional literary criticism of our chosen authors , most , if not all , of whom have already received considerable attention from both those points of view .
30 You should stress that your concern for human rights is not in any way politically partisan .
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