Example sentences of "should [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 When making arrangements , however , local authorities must consider the different racial groups to which the children in need within their area belong ( Sched 2 , para 11(a) ) and this should presumably be reflected in the facilities available .
2 However , interviews should rarely be used as a sole basis for evaluation decisions of any great significance .
3 The first horn should rarely go below and the second should rarely be taken above .
4 However , it should rarely be necessary to apply to the court for directions before the pre-trial review or preliminary arbitration appointment ( Ord 19 , r 5 ; Term No 2 ) .
5 A pre-trial review should rarely be necessary in most personal injury claims in view of the automatic directions in Ord 17 , r 10 ( see above ) .
6 ( p7 ) If the drafter has to choose between clarity and legal accuracy , clarity must be sacrificed , but that should rarely be necessary .
7 They should mostly be complimentary , of course , but you might get the odd envious remark directed your way .
8 The backs are still young and should mostly be available in 1995 if they can retain their interest .
9 A database requires maintenance , not merely because new records will have to have their content assessed and controlled , but because when new ideas permeate the academic disciplines , this too should properly be reflected in the terminology used in the construction of records .
10 Performance in education is complex , controversial and should properly be set in the context of long time scales .
11 Downtown LA , with its glittering towers and walled-off enclaves , is the outward and visible sign of the corruption the detectives from the Centers for Disease Control should properly be probing .
12 the activities of each constituent member ‘ should properly be regarded ’ as those of the business described in the direction , carried on concurrently or previously ( or both ) ( VAT Act 1983 , Sch 1 , para 1A(1) and ( 2 ) as inserted by FA 1986 , s 10(1) ) .
13 Whether activities ‘ should properly be regarded as those of the business described in the direction ’ is an issue of fact .
14 Although there is some laxity in the use of the term , ‘ broadside ’ or ‘ broadsheet ’ should properly be applied only to a complete , undivided large sheet , printed on one side .
15 This is the task of lawyers and of other conceptive ideologists with whom they should properly be classified .
16 Nevertheless , they should properly be viewed as tensions within the normativist style in public law .
17 We consider that tribunals should properly be regarded as machinery provided by Parliament for adjudication rather than as part of the machinery for administration .
18 These questions should properly be the subject of extensive research and debate , since on the answers hang decisive issues of antiracist strategy .
19 These would best be resolved by a form of cost-benefit which pays close attention to the social ‘ externalities ’ involved in investment projects , which compares the time profiles of return on projects competing for resources at non-usurious rates of discount , and which does not operate with the technocratic pretension that all factors in an investment decision can be rigorously quantified ( i.e. which does not disguise as purely technical questions matters which should properly be open to political debate ) .
20 Westergaard and Resler reject the view that the so-called separation of ownership and control in the joint stock company results in the rise of salaried managers who should properly be placed in a middle class .
21 In the past , it was not even entirely clear whether the tariff should properly be constructed solely on the basis of the seriousness of the current offence , as the Court of Appeal insisted in the case of R .
22 The fundamental rule , however it should properly be characterised , derives its legal authority from the underlying moral or political theory of which it forms a part .
23 The main quibble about classing us in the same generic clade is that Homo sapiens was named before the chimpanzee genus , Pan ; in fact chimps should properly be called the other two kinds of human .
24 The registrar may refer any matter to the judge that he thinks should properly be decided by the judge , and the judge can either dispose of the matter or refer it back to the registrar ( r 7.6(3) ) .
25 In a statement issued on Sept. 25 he argued that " not all hostels are associated with violence and the problem should properly be seen as one of criminality in a limited number of hostels " .
26 However I think in my view anyway this does n't negate the point that the protection of the countryside is a strategic issue and should properly be covered in the structure plan .
27 As the transfer deals only with the legal estate , it can be argued that there should properly be a release off the register by the husband of his equitable interest in the matrimonial home to the wife .
28 First , is it fair that bad employers should effectively be subsidised by the state ?
29 In his speech Sir Michael backed Mr Birt but said he should effectively be placed on probation for 12 months .
30 He was a prosperous farmer who had sent his son to Balliol — a college which owned land in the parish — with the intention that he should eventually be ordained .
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