Example sentences of "should [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 The Curriculum says that as part of the programme 11–14 year olds should experience at least two outdoor activities .
2 Every glider pilot should make at least one downwind landing during training in order to realise that there is no particular problem in making a safe landing as long as the wind is not very strong .
3 A screening programme is a public health measure , and any balanced discussion should make at least some reference to its overall impact on the use of health care resources .
4 And finally , they should explain at the very beginning of their conversation why they are phoning you .
5 Erm tt er when it came to the children erm and he did n't know the date of birth erm you should 've at least got the ages of them
6 Most opposition was produced , however , by the notion that the purpose of the workhouses was to " imprison " the poor , who " should range at liberty and be their own masters " .
7 Spending departments were to carry out reviews of programmes by questioning existing commitments and to ask whether they should exist at all and not only how they should be carried out ( see Pliatzky , 1982 , p. 99 ) .
8 In this chapter I shall argue that the no boundary condition for the universe , together with the weak anthropic principle , can explain why all three arrows point in the same direction — and moreover , why a well-defined arrow of time should exist at all .
9 Even to me then , it was strange that such a perception should dawn at that moment , when dogs were barking , wind was blowing in , everyone was making a hubbub , and Mary Shelley stood before me .
10 The draft reply contained one threat to report I M R O to the Securities and Investment Board for excessive enquiries er and for an unreasonable attitude and the other er bit of the reply was effectively a form of covering up presenting full financial information and disclosure to I M R O. Those replies were drafted by people inside the Maxwell organisation and you may want to comment on er the position , although I should stress at this stage that I like you have not seen the final version of any reply and I do not know whether I M R O persisted .
11 Publication should remain at the editor 's discretion .
12 My view ( the view of a confirmed industrial privatizer ) was that the National Health Service should remain at the centre of our health-care system and that politically we would reap the whirlwind if we could be portrayed as moving away from it .
13 In 1988 , the government 's Chief Medical Officer , Sir Donald Acheson , told the DoE that the level should remain at 50 mg/litre , mainly because , if a cancer risk existed , it would be a result of long-term exposure .
14 Anne Blencowe suggested that the man be allowed to keep his wage of eight pence per day , but that he should remain at home .
15 Secondly were Mrs White 's brother and sister-in-law who were reported earlier as saying at second interview that they thought she should remain at home ‘ if things keep as they 're going now , and she gets the services she 's getting ’ .
16 … the minimum rate should remain at £6 for pensioners and those not at work , but I think £20 is not too much for those in employment .
17 The age of consent was considered by the Policy Advisory Committee which recommended that it should remain at 16 .
18 As an association we would prefer that no new stadium should be erected but that Hearts should remain at Tynecastle .
19 As an association we would prefer that no new stadium should be erected but that Hearts should remain at Tynecastle .
20 Divisional Grant should remain at 230 , but the extra payment option in case of need be increased from 75 to 100 .
21 Subsistence should remain at 11.50 per day , as this had been increased ahead of inflation in recent years .
22 No sir I I do accept first of all that the capacity of the city should remain at thirty three .
23 The Boundary Commission for Scotland concludes that the number of Scottish seats in the House of Commons should remain at 72 in spite of widespread speculation over the loss of Glasgow seats .
24 He wondered whether , before ordination , he should stay at Cambridge a little longer to do more advanced work .
25 Calvet was in spectacular form at Paris , calling for an immediate rethink on Japanese access to Europe and outlining a five-point plan : that no new transplants be established in Europe ; that those in existence have outputs capped ; that quotas be maintained between 1992 and 2002 and continued after that if the Japanese do n't play ball ; that overall European penetration levels should stay at 10 per cent from the East and that France could keep its three per cent quota ; and finally , that all Japanese cars , no matter where they 're built , should be included in calculations , and the EC should assist automotive industry investment .
26 The duchess flew into a rage when she was told that the Queen had person ally ruled that she and children Beatrice and Eugenie should stay at Wood Farm on the edge of salt marshes in the village of Wolferton , Norfolk .
27 She challenged Vi with her eyes , demanding she should stay at the table .
28 At first the civilian foremen who came to the Factory each morning from Barashevo village had shouted that the men should stay at their work , but their protests had made a battle that he could not win .
29 You know , you should stay at home and have at least eight babies — it 's incredibly difficult , I mean a lot of parents would disagree whole heartedly with what I tell the girls .
30 They are opposed to the suggestion that women with young children should stay at home rather than go to work , accept that women are still at a disadvantage when it comes to advancement at work , but they do n't think there should be more positive discrimination in women 's favour .
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