Example sentences of "may be [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Common costing books : in some industries where there may be variation in the form of the finished product because of variation in the buyer 's specifications ( for example , industrial engines , building services ) a book may be circulated by a trade association which shows how the overall cost of the specific product variant can be calculated .
2 I know there may be variation in degree as it were , according to which particular aspect of infrastructure you 're looking at .
3 There may be difficulty obtaining a policy over the age of 75 .
4 Secondly , there may be difficulty in proving that the buyer orally agreed to the exclusion .
5 Unless that partner was dependent on the person who has died , there may be difficulty in establishing a claim .
6 Part of the variation across time may be error .
7 Campbell pointed out that certain factors may influence noncompliance with accepted techniques , e.g. hand paper towels may lead to skin irritation and in turn to skin abrasion and infection ; hot air dryers are noisy , slow and also may cause irritation ; soap may be irritant and therefore not used ; and sinks may be inaccessible .
8 This may be invention , for the propaganda value of possessing a saint courted thus by a king renowned for his piety is obvious ; but if not , and taken together with the Encomiast 's statement that Cnut visited St Omer while on pilgrimage to Rome , a journey in which he embarked from somewhere near Canterbury ( maybe Sandwich ) and sailed to Flanders seems a distinct possibility .
9 There may be perspiration with it .
10 So , too , if you shift my bicycle from a public stand in order to get at your own , and forget to replace mine so that it is stolen by someone , that may be trespass , but it is not conversion .
11 There may be video materials on your shelves showing people at work which you could use to extend practice of this kind .
12 If the matter is one the direct outcome of which may be trial of the applicant and his possible punishment for an alleged offence by a court claiming jurisdiction to do so , the matter is criminal .
13 To some there may be occasion to place a moral principle above a legal one .
14 If a character points out that there may be Chaos or Evil behind the doors ( or , even better , asserts confidently that there is ) , and asks Thadeus to help , this adds a +10 bonus to the Fel test to be made .
15 If aggression is too much inhibited and inner-directed , the result may be immobilization and the incapacity to engage in any form of self-assertion .
16 This may be true , or to put it another way , this may be trew .
17 Schoolchildren may be maypole dancing or in the procession in fancy dress , local groups and societies enter floats , others may be involved in the fund-raising events that take place throughout the year or senior citizens may be invited to the ‘ old folks tea and treat ’ ( which takes place on the Monday ) , organised by the maypole committee and an important part of the May weekend .
18 Nevertheless , the large number of organisations involved and the fact that their activities are not centrally co-ordinated as in Northern Ireland , suggests that there may be scope for confusion or conflict between them .
19 Democratic mechanisms must be conceived as operating at different levels : within the operating units there may be scope for direct participative democracy perhaps also involving factory committees in close touch with the workforce ; at the level of the enterprise , direct democracy would probably be impractical and some form of representative mechanism would be required .
20 It also suggests that there may be scope for significantly reducing the number of committals without interfering with the defendant 's right to opt for jury trial .
21 No account of social policy making should disregard the potential influence of these ‘ good causes ’ , however much there may be scope for controversy about their real power in situations where interests are-in conflict .
22 there may be scope for closer integration of departmental reviews and audit programmes , in respect of objectives and results , and for more formal follow-up procedures .
23 There may be scope here for involving a ‘ Friends ’ organization for funding and labour , since our history is such a fascinating topic in its own right .
24 There may be scope for similar challenges to an expert 's decision arising from other aspects of the contract between the parties : for instance , the conditions precedent to the right to refer a dispute to an expert may not have been met , in which case the entire reference will be premature .
25 Selected or key settlements may be service centres ; they may also be associated with public investment in facilities such as schools and council housing , and designated for residential expansion or for industrial growth ( Woodruffe 1976 ) .
26 Most of these processes will be problem processes , but some may be operating system processes , such as one reading job descriptions from a card reader into a job queue on disc .
27 There may be weakness , nervous prostration , nervous irritability and they desire solitude when they are ill ; consolation makes worse ( < ) .
28 There may be diarrhoea , tingling in the feet and hands , swelling of the abdomen , legs and ankles , and breathlessness .
29 There may be , within this bonfire — and until it 's taken apart we will not be able to ascertain this — there may be petroleum cans in there , there may be small L P G cylinders , all of which will go off with a very large explosion and possibly cause some injury to life .
30 It is a technically very difficult problem compounded by the fact that one has no idea of what to look for , and the quantities may be minute .
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