Example sentences of "very first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They must be independent , not mention in the will you ca n't have a beneficiary who 's a witness , you ca n't have a husband or wife of a beneficiary as a witness either because not I 'm told very first clause there are n't , to get a duplicate made bungalow or something like that he might be missing out on the bungalow and the was The course leader at the time told me the story that saw him and he would n't tell me who it was I want my ten percent commission .
2 When I was forty I suffered from my very first migraine , I was in bed for five days with it .
3 I 'm pleased to be able to answer my very first oral question .
4 The grooves were U-bottomed with a radius of precisely 4.7 thousandths of an inch , and his reproducers were fitted with the very first diamond styli , of exactly this size for minimum wear and surface-noise .
5 Let us admit that since the FFYP was the very first exercise of its kind in history , it would not be surprising if there were discrepancies , failures of some kind .
6 As Fig. 4.5 shows , the change of context experienced by group D produced a substantial loss of vigour in the CR , evident from the very first trial of the test .
7 So this , this is the very first Encyclopaedia ?
8 But when the journal Visual Education first appeared in Britain in 1950 , it showed evidence of a great deal of worthy grassroots activity ; the very first issue contained reviews of new materials written by local " visual aids groups " , a valuable feature that has been retained ever since .
9 Debt collectors are a third party and that point alone often has enough psychological impact to get a debtor to pay them on their very first approach .
10 Yet with their very first attack , the visitors struck a cruel blow .
11 ‘ She was fighting from the very first minute and she is still fighting . ’
12 Jensen insisted he relished the hostile atmosphere , but joined his manager 's condemnation of Buksch , saying : ‘ The ref lost control from the very first minute .
13 It was a particularly bitter blow for Leeds , because in the very first minute they should have levelled the tie .
14 You do n't take a water tablet tomorrow and then you start this Inavase stuff and the first dose should be taken at night because the main potential side effect with the very first tablet , and it 's the first tablet only , is your blood pressure can go Oh down a bit .
15 Its one and only race was 1966 British Grand Prix where Trevor Taylor lined it up on 18th place on the grid and retired during the very first lap .
16 Courtney 's accident happened on the very first lap when he was in the lead at Mather 's Cross between Coleraine and Portrush and he was taken to hospital although his injuries were not known at the course .
17 Supersaurus is not to be confused with Megalosaurus ( 'giant reptile' ) , a lizard-hipped carnosaur living in the Jurassic and the very first dinosaur to be named and described , looking like a smaller Tyrannosaurus .
18 They were devised in conjunction ( the exact degree of which remains unknown ) with Christian Huygens of Zulichem , who is credited with making the very first pendulum clock in 1656 .
19 The AEF 's very first publication was a commissioned study of the practicability ( or otherwise ) of reducing light aircraft noise at source .
20 The very first film that ever had a room full of homosexuals and no one else , that was the name of the place where that scene took place , you see .
21 [ Rogers was to provide the music for Dustin 's very first film . ]
22 So , at the very last moment of our very first film , we nearly got the fire we did n't want , and we began to feel more sanguine about the pyromania we had tried to incite the night before .
23 The very first film I made with Roy he took me to one side and he said ’ you 've been working a lot in the theatre and you 're playing to the back row of the the dress circle which is right for the theatre . ’
24 I say I saw the very first film of it
25 The Company , from its very first voyage , exported bullion rather than English products and , when economists complained that this would lead to a loss of bullion which would cause deflation and depression in England , the Company replied that it exported between 50 and 90 per cent of its pepper to countries in northern Europe which paid four or five times as much silver as the Company paid in India , so that on balance its activities substantially increased the amount of bullion in the country .
26 In 1957 , Sir Christopher Hinton , about to become the very first chairman of the CEGB , had predicted that by the 1970s nuclear power would be ‘ appreciably ’ cheaper than coal-fired generation .
27 When I went to the antenatal clinic for my very first check-up , this elderly doctor burst through the door , looked at me and said , " You should n't be having this baby , you should be giving it away to somebody less fortunate . "
28 Your very first field landing could even turn out to be the most difficult field of your whole gliding career .
29 This came into being when the very first change in the first cell took place , and that change , which was the first biochemical action , ultimately proved to have been , or must be acknowledged to have been , taken to initiate the process which would continue indefinitely to produce a living being with an ever-increasing capacity to enjoy life .
30 My very first act — since one has to begin somewhere — was to decide upon the form in which I would report to you .
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