Example sentences of "very [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He is playing , passing the tedious time while there 's virtually no fighting and very little manoeuvring and while he wants none , but is uneasy being still .
2 ‘ We have only emergency light and very little air and after two or three hours everybody gets very nervous .
3 This is because Japanese corporations place very little emphasis on merger as a mechanism of growth or diversification of business .
4 Street declared in The Builder that Parker was expressing his personal views and not writing on behalf of the Oxford Architectural Society , and if Parker 's ‘ excessively antiquarian view of our own present duties were to be put forward as the real and right ground for us to work upon , I , for one , should have very little hope of the ultimate success of our course ’ .
5 Other banks and lending institutions are beginning to realise that Third World countries have very little hope of ever paying back the huge loans they have taken out .
6 It may seem to some of you that there 's very little hope left for us in Krishnapur .
7 After the first ballot they do not have to guess , they know that the leading contenders are Ape and Bear , that Camel may still be in the running but has a lot of ground to make up , and that Donkey and Elephant have very little hope of being elected .
8 There was very little painting work about at present so music and plastering were currently his major occupations .
9 There was very little sleep last night , our first hours ashore in Normandy , maybe tonight we could have some rest .
10 The return to the Centre was completed without mishap , and very little sleep was had from then on .
11 She had been on call for forty-eight hours , had snatched very little sleep , and was about to enjoy two full days leave .
12 Newman had very little sleep that night .
13 We carried on with our training , going for runs every morning , doing the assault course , learning about weapons , marching , singing and having very little sleep .
14 As has been pointed out elsewhere ( see Chapter 2 ) , some people seem to require very little sleep , and some take more .
15 It is commonplace for soldiers to get very little sleep indeed during a battle .
16 Add to this a language problem , surround the ship with smaller fishing vessels and throw liberal quantities of slimy mackerel underfoot , anchor it in a remote Scottish loch with vicious squalls of wind and rain roaring down from the surrounding hills , try working for days on end with very little sleep in these conditions and you have some idea of our difficulties .
17 For instance , the morning after one night when he 'd stayed until about 5 , so I 'd had very little sleep , I walked around , phased out really , feeling a little bit of an invalid , rather frail and light-headed , but very peaceful , walking carefully so as not to jolt anything , and I felt I was nursing a bit of heaven .
18 After all , he 'd had very little sleep .
19 From their brief acquaintance , she knew that he kept late hours , seeming to need very little sleep , so she had no qualms about giving the taxi driver directions to the Hamilton house .
20 THE 20-storey building has been reduced to rubble , newsprint supplies are fast running out , there is very little electricity , communications are almost non-existent and every day journalists risk their lives getting the news into , and out of , Oslobodjenje .
21 Excitation within a d-d band may lead to very little resonance Raman enhancement , and indeed for some species with inversion centers it has been found that the Raman bands are weaker than in the normal Raman spectrum when excited by light in the absorption profile of a d-d band .
22 For example , there is very little expertise in China relating to copyright .
23 Of course , he has very little proof ( how could he have ? ) , but his various arguments are very persuasive .
24 I watched , fascinated , for this was the first time he had confronted a murderer with a plausible explanation but very little proof .
25 During the final campaign interest sagged , if anything , though there was really very little trend .
26 Finally , with considerable reluctance , I suggested that his faith seemed to have very little foundation and that without more understanding to match his enthusiasm he was in danger of being tripped by the questions of life — let alone by those of his fellow students .
27 During the 1970s the Community was preoccupied with enlargement of the Community , institutional crises such as the Luxembourg accords , following the refusal of France to accept qualified majority ruling in the Council of Minsters , frequent budgetary difficulties and differences of view as to how the Community should be financed which resulted in very little progress towards the achievement of a single market .
28 Tax reform had been a major campaign commitment in 1976 , but four years later very little progress had been made on this matter .
29 Apart from perhaps the use of story grammars [ Mandler & johnson , 1977 ] and the concept of macrostructure formation [ Kintsch & van Dijk , 1983 ] , very little progress has been made towards the implementation of discourse rules in NLP systems .
30 As you have not even seen your inheritance yet very little progress has been made . ’
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