Example sentences of "very [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , we have a welfare state , we help the international community with our foreign aid , and we are very progressive and we use the most up-to-date erm technology in developing our country and erm we are paying no taxes , and very progressive .
2 In the Scherzo , the playing is very concentrated and incredibly exciting .
3 There are some European industries ( eg volume car production — see Chapter 4 ) which are already very concentrated and integrated on a European basis ( both in terms of sales and location of production facilities ) .
4 We have seen how , from the workers ' point of view , rationalised labour and practices can mean a very constraining and potentially unstable working environment .
5 But the medicine Leslie took made her feel very drowsy and tired .
6 times of I mean , I actually think it 's a an awful lot of ask of a friendship , or of a family situation and also , indeed , if you I mean I think sometimes they can be very supportive but th the true understanding may not be there and erm I think that 's what led me to start up a self- help group in Edinburgh erm which is , has been erm running for the last two years now .
7 The band were very supportive and they knew they did n't have to do anything untoward .
8 Judith Longman at SPCK has been a very supportive and sensitive editor .
9 She explained that she had not been able to bring herself to discuss things with them , although she had managed to speak to her married brother , who had been very supportive and helpful .
10 The clergy were very supportive and Bishop Brunner persuaded me that I should extend the membership of the Guild so that it was more Diocesan oriented .
11 Although her mum was upset and her dad was cross they did n't chuck her out but have been very supportive and she still lives at home with her two-year-old son .
12 He was very supportive and we learnt a lot from each other . ’
13 ‘ He was always very supportive and helpful .
14 Husband Roy has always been very supportive and part of the Medau scene .
15 Flower pressing is not one of those crafts that abounds in short cuts , for it requires a very painstaking and patient approach .
16 Someone may be very unintelligent and yet have a good sense of hope or trust or love whereas someone else who is highly intelligent may yet have a relatively poor facility in these senses .
17 ‘ I know he 's very durable and very fit and comes to fight .
18 They are not very loud and in terms of the volume of sound produced they are not particularly impressive .
19 The noise dropped to something merely very loud and then , very quickly , disappeared .
20 An intuition that this is indeed so may be very difficult to substantiate if the attributions made by members of the dominant society are very loud and very visible , and those of the members of the microsociety hard to come by , perhaps because those members are not easy to contact .
21 From outside a very loud and bullying voice demanded the landlord .
22 It was very loud and very late .
23 By the time they reach brown belt level , however , the kiai should be resembling the sound of a very loud and strenuously emitted ‘ its ’ .
24 The silence grew very quiet and the occasional noises very loud and they began to belong .
25 It 'll be very loud and you might get frightened . ’
26 No it ca n't be for something not very loud and that 's all gone , shit , I 've fucking it !
27 Being invisible , there is nothing to show , and although most people have occasional ringing in the ears , or other noises , very loud or continuous tinnitus is likely to be outside their experience .
28 This is manifested in a strong desire to break away from corporate environments seen as financially restrictive , especially those businesses which are obviously very profitable but where the profits are not fairly shared out among those who are helping to generate them .
29 The systems division is still not profitable after charging research and development expenditure , but services — technical support , third-party maintenance , consulting , are said to be very profitable and represent 30% of receivables all told .
30 We are very profitable and can afford that . ’
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