Example sentences of "any case the " in BNC.

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1 Not , the constructivist argues , by the enrichment of perceptual input ( in any case the evidence tells us that this is already rich ) : only through action itself .
2 The husband agreed that the wife should have the maisonette , but appealed against the judge 's award of a lump sum of £1m on the grounds ( 1 ) that the judge was wrong in principle to make an award to enable the wife to buy a hotel ; and ( 2 ) that in any case the amount was excessive .
3 The example of the United States may be cited in order to refute such a fatalistic approach , but the American colonies were the progeny of the most sophisticated democratic country in the world , and in any case the American republic expanded from a near tabula rasa , politically and geographically speaking .
4 In any case the worship of female goddesses is neither characteristic nor common among hunters and gatherers .
5 In any case the weak will often survive if they 're looked after . ’
6 And in any case the main gains to efficiency will come not from privatisation , but from the legal necessity imposed by the EC ( which would have happened anyway ) to invest £25 billion over 10 years to bring water up to drinkable standards .
7 And in any case the main gains to efficiency will come not from privatisation , but from the legal necessity imposed by the EC ( which would have happened anyway ) to invest £25 billion over 10 years to bring water up to drinkable standards .
8 Such interests can not be transferred without writing , and in most cases a deed is required ; in any case the transfer is not complete except by entry in the books of the Bank of England or of the body or company concerned .
9 In any case the richer you are the less likely you are to realize how cold-hearted the world can be when you are old and penniless — even one 's own relations . ’
10 Abraham is in search of status in Hebron , and in any case the fear of humiliation will encourage him to pay .
11 The Old Testament kings had been initiated with unction ; and in any case the Carolingians , unlike their Merovingian predecessors amongst the Franks , could not depend for their sacrality upon a long royal genealogy stretching back into the past .
12 And in any case the dominating class will come to be internally differentiated , and will necessarily exhibit features of class stratification .
13 In any case the proposed grant violated the more general principle that the Zuwaya corporately owned Kufra .
14 In any case the statutory policy of enclosure and planting was too late .
15 In any case the effect of this book is tonic ; there is writing of high quality , and even the distortion and magnification of marginal details has its interest .
16 In the event , he had become a Newfoundlander ; but in any case the Yeomanry 's long sojourn in Tunisia would not have satisfied him .
17 In any case the French army had , by 1851 , become accustomed to changes of regime , so that many may have thought one more would make little difference .
18 Britain appeared to have little interest in the area , Russia was preoccupied with her domestic problems , and in any case the Tsar had never forgiven Austria for her lack of support during the Crimean War .
19 It is a matter for speculation whether or not this would have been enough to cut the ground from underneath the feet of the DHAC , but in any case the situation had been radically transformed by the 5 October march and by the prorogation of Londonderry Corporation announced on 22 November 1968 by the O'Neill government .
20 Epstein as he listened leant towards Brahe , and Brahe as he spoke leant towards Epstein , and they were so involved with each other , and in any case the engine noise was so continuous and enveloping , like the air , that no-one , behind them , could have heard anything !
21 In any case the universities , while all through the 1960s , 1970s , and 1980s publicly deploring the undue specialization of the English sixth form , nevertheless for the most part continue to demand it , especially of those candidates who wish to read science or languages .
22 In any case the real difficulty has always been the use of A levels as a selection examination by the universities and polytechnics .
23 In any case the idea of such a thing between me and the lieutenant is quite absurd .
24 In any case the law was often viewed as a last resort , a clumsy , time-consuming , bureaucratic impediment that hindered order-maintenance on the street .
25 They now recognised that their plan to send some intelligent lads for education in farriery to such continental schools would be at best a rather feeble stopgap measure , while in any case the revolutionary situation in France was not favourable to the original Odiham plan .
26 This has not prevented their use in Europe and North America , where in any case the risk of infection is confined to relatively small groups , such as medical personnel ; but it rules out widespread use where a vaccine is most needed , in the Third World .
27 As already implied , the content of the foregoing speculations on the source and scale of man 's capability for life enjoyment and all that it could mean is , of course , hypothetical , and in any case the development was spread over millions of years , but it does however provide a basis for thought which does not require the invocation of the supernatural .
28 ‘ In any case the way to get the girl is our safest way back . ’
29 I could not contact the Cyprus Aeroclub , but in any case the airfield outside Nicosia is now closed except for emergency purposes .
30 In any case the blame , as she had said , was most certainly Zacco 's .
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