Example sentences of "people [modal v] come " in BNC.

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1 Even if residential workers are not able always to succeed , then at the very least young people may come to see these efforts as an indication of their own importance for others .
2 Individual people may come and go , but society carries on continuously — because it can shape the incoming individuals to fit the existing state of affairs .
3 In years to come , when the new road has fallen into disuse and the plaque has been worn away by time , people may come here and wonder what is the hidden significance of the stones ; or maybe by then , they 'll have discovered that Stonehenge was built by some ancient farmer , commemmorating a new bypass .
4 People were coming to accept that Nonconformist chapels should look like ‘ churches ’ and that Nonconformist services should be more ‘ dignified ’ and ‘ ecclesiastical ’ ; it was not surprising that people should come to view the nature of the Church itself in a different vein from their forefathers .
5 This is an association of interested parties , individuals and organisations , who have joined forces to provide fund-raising facilities , logistic support and whatever other assistance is found to be necessary to give effect to the hopes of all the parties concerned that a self-sufficient village for the care of physically and mentally handicapped people should come into being in Atea .
6 People should come and see the progress the club has made at Hundens Lane on Saturdays or at Rothmans on Sundays . ’
7 Although countryside must always be important … people must come first .
8 People might come to hear you from all over the world .
9 Where people do not take part in politics , the study enquires whether this is due to satisfaction , hostility or apathy and in what circumstances people might come to take a more active part .
10 Worse still people might come to resent you monopolising the conversation .
11 I think the fare in later years was half a crown return , and he would park up near the Post Office , so that people could come and leave their shopping with him instead of humping it about the streets .
12 They set up sessions where people could come and talk about the families , and make statements about the sort of people they were .
13 Asked to paint a mental picture of the typical French intellectual , most people could come up with the significant details .
14 house would be open , even late at night or erm you know , early in the morning if necessary , people could come .
15 Grant , the people could come back in a few minutes
16 Mind you I expect people could come round here and say
17 Not only her own people but other people used to come to her for advice …
18 People used to come here all the time , in those days , before the war , to ask for things .
19 People used to come here at night at harvest festival time and pray and dance .
20 And of course I loved the town and although the station was about a mile from the town centre , people used to come from the town centre in their cars , they had lunch at our place er er at Cambridge , you see , and there , there were two waiters and one , one of them took part-time cellar work , you see , and er , they were two brothers and er their name 's
21 Oh yes at one time erm after the New Town got well started , after The Stow was built got to the , goes up to The Stow and be beyond er , well it 's just , going on into erm , er , towards the swimming bath , it was n't up there , swimming bath , erm and we used to call it the Shady Shop in , in adverts and er we used to have a lot of people used to come down because there was only The Stow then and er
22 a lot of the people used to come in and they 'd be in in his hotel , boozing rather than being at the pub you know , he says it for me I got a bottle and everything there .
23 I suppose he had forgotten that when Bill Jordan , president of the engineering workers ' union , asked him during the 1987 election campaign to announce then that he would hold a referendum on unilateralism after the election , he declined and replied that people would come round to it once they understood .
24 Later , people would come along , dig him up and remove him to a more permanent resting place where the vicar would say a few words and it would all be over , except for those who remembered him .
25 We would come into a village and 20 to 30 people would come and join us for two or three days . ’
26 At the Watford Gaumont , which I managed , people would come in dinner dress and they would have the same seat every week .
27 Every time we struck a chord people would come tearing up from the bar to tell us to turn that fucking racket down .
28 An organisation capable of attracting international attention , to which people would come as much for the opportunity of discussion with other visitors , as for the opportunity of seeing the Highland problem at first hand .
29 To this centre people would come from different parts to learn from each other about issues which affect them all in everyday life .
30 For some years , the town was without a doctor , and often the people would come to Richard Baxter for medical help .
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