Example sentences of "just as well " in BNC.

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1 Just as well to check though , ’ agreed Henry gravely .
2 Perhaps in the light of the somewhat narrow academic bias outlined by this cream of police studentship , it is just as well the college was not allocated the task of collating and circulating research to chief officers !
3 Since merely knowing the brain state does not reveal what the experience is like , and since what the experience is like , if it is a reality at all ( which Tye does not dispute ) , must be a fact about the experience ( or a feature or aspect of the experience , which will do just as well ) , it follows that the experience is not a brain state .
4 Which is just as well , because long-haired rock is what you will get .
5 Unfortunately for Berger , both stops were exceptionally slick and , judging by the controversial aftermath of Nigel Mansell 's botched pit stop in Portugal last week , perhaps that is just as well .
6 This is just as well because high interest rates have led to some of Wehmiller 's customers in the UK deferring capital purchases in the short term .
7 Just as well , since they chose him .
8 If the one-man show is as close to ‘ actors ’ theatre' as we 'll ever get , perhaps it 's just as well .
9 ‘ Sometimes you 're just as well in the wings for a while , ’ he says .
10 King : And just as well .
11 That is just as well , because , after the initial curiosity value , Muddle expects the attendance to fall to around 500 .
12 Just as well that the Germans are on the other side of Seine : I can sleep late today . ’
13 The Bolsheviks proved in the Civil War that they could defend the minorities just as well , or indeed better than the Tsarist regime had done in the Great War .
14 Things that we do n't want to remember may be indelibly engraved on the mind , little eroded even by time , but million of unimportant things are blissfully forgotten — which is just as well for our mental health !
15 But when she sees the Teds and greasers and hard-faced girls who make up the matinee audience , she thinks it 's just as well .
16 ‘ Guaranteed Not To Split ’ , it said on it — which was just as well as much later I had the initial idea for ‘ Anarchy ’ while messing around on it .
17 Ironically , fate intervened and he never did make that his career , which is probably just as well , since when he was given the task many years later of steering British Aerospace into the private sector he crossed swords with more than a few civil servants and did n't have a lot of time for them .
18 They turned out to be totally placid ; just as well , since they are the size of hornets .
19 Given the unpleasant blare of the G40 motor , though , it 's just as well it delivers such strong performance low down as prolonged exposure to high revs is tiresome and uncomfortable .
20 You sit high in any case and it 's just as well — you need to be able to see the big car 's extremities .
21 Which is just as well , for the engine is happiest on full throttle .
22 Just as well .
23 I should have enjoyed it just as well if I 'd picked it up in a bookshop , by an unknown author .
24 ‘ I did n't realise that animals were not supposed to have personalities , or to think or to feel emotions or pain , ’ she recalls — which is just as well , since she went ahead and recorded what she observed , instead of what she was supposed to observe .
25 But I did n't get to the point of giving them names , which was just as well , because in the end they both had to go to market .
26 It 's just as well — I cut two holes in it for the ears !
27 He also enjoys the training , which is just as well because it is so competitive .
28 ( Nobody knows the exact date , which is probably just as well : to categorize a house like this can take away some of its romance . )
29 Just as well someone had rung Catherine half an hour ago , or they 'd both still have been asleep , and he would have had difficult questions to answer in the morning about why he had been , uncharacteristically , out of touch with everyone since leaving Yeo Davis at six .
30 The methods of quality control they use are Japanese , and can , they find , be drilled into Britons and Americans just as well as into Japanese .
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