Example sentences of "just have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The statement does not have to be true or relevant , of course — it just has to sound true and relevant .
2 If you 're a Libran who just has to say what 's on your mind come hell or high water you could be heading for a stormy time .
3 At one level , as in all picturings of God 's rule and man 's free will , there is nothing for Porfiry to do ; he just has to sit and wait , which he is good at .
4 Dangle assorted objects from string near him , so he just has to reach forward slightly to hit them .
5 However , she just has to pick up the phone and a friendly voice at The Wool Shop is always there to help .
6 ‘ She who hesitates , I 'm afraid , just has to drink what she 's given . ’
7 You women are all the same — a man just has to turn the corner of the street and the next thing , they 're all eyes and lips and tongue and sucking me ’ — he tripped , changed ‘ sucking him towards them .
8 He just has to take what comes , and somehow cope as best he can .
9 And er Steven he does the erm , the he just has to take his quinine tablets .
10 He just has to set his chin and take it if ‘ we 've ’ used the wrong club . ’
11 The thing about art is that it is n't just a nostalgic wallowing in things of the past that are comfortable , but art as an adventure , and one just has to go along with it .
12 That will check , McLeish thought , of course it will , someone just has to do it all .
13 You know , very often Jim does things on the Enterprise he does n't want , want to do you know , but he just has to do them unfortunately .
14 And erm and she says you know well she just has to do what she has to do he can go to school and but she 'll just have to make do on you know , what money she has .
15 ‘ The way you and he have just been pawing each other about just has to mean that , in your own sweet way , ’ he inserted thunderously , ‘ you 've been endorsing the fact that your affair with him is over ! ’
16 The girl just has to laugh .
17 She just has to grow to love us . ’
18 I said I said cos you do n't know but she 's a n she 's a nice girl , she looks alright in uniform , she 's not very bright but she 's brighter than some of the ones you 've got er give her a meet and greet job where she just has to smile and point people in the general direction of the bogs and things like that , er , I said and she 'll be alright
19 In fact , you do not actually need to price at that level ; the rival just has to believe that you will if it enters the market .
20 The value of R5 is actually not particularly critical ; it just has to provide a minimum of 93µA to the base of TR2 .
21 It just has to walk downstairs with the Queen on a lead and sit beside her .
22 There are some rolls a film star just has to grab
23 Mostly musicians spend their time jerking off in front of others and guitar and bass-playing readers are basically fans of the idea of that , but the truth is that it 's all individual — every neck on every guitar just has to feel a certain way .
24 He just has to get them to play . ’
25 Garry would dearly love the club captaincy back but he is realistic enough to know he just has to get on with the game .
26 A just has to find out in detail what B was doing yesterday evening between 6pm and 8pm
27 Marlboro , for instance , does not have to show or even mention somebody smoking cigarettes — it just has to show a cowboy .
28 She just has to muddle through .
29 To survive the PROFITBOSS just has to beat the competition .
30 In the end , he 'd just had to see .
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